Chapter 15

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Things were going well for a change. I had almost learnt all the basic drinks with Jimmy tutoring me in the afternoon and practicing next to each other four nights a week. The truth is I had such fun with him, there were literally times that I'd pee my pants from laughing so hard from the different facial expressions he'd give me while working, or he would drag me to dance with him since we were working side by side doing a small routine of our own, nothing sexy like Harry's and Sylvia's but funny none the less with people applauding at the end. I would look forward to spending our evenings and nights together with him as he would take my mind off everything. I was happy to see his relationship with Anne slowly recovering, even some flirting was evident towards her but she played it cool something I could tell he found intriguing.

Chrys had started working with us making Ed ecstatic showing her around and being her knight in shining armor. He would stand up for her when guys hit on her being on super protective mode. We were all having fun, being carefree, young and silly at times. Together the four of us would make really good tips that we would put aside for Natalie's expenses. Natalie, Harry's niece, had already had her operation and she was recuperating. Chrys and I had contacted certain business partners of her dad's who showed extreme interest in helping out and we were able to gather twenty five more thousand enough to cover the hospital but not enough to cover the medicine she would need. So we all chipped in agreeing not to mention anything to Harry or his family so that he wouldn't feel odd around us. Jimmy had generously handed us all the information we needed from day one as Gemma and little Natalie were like family growing up with Harry, being best friends for so long. Harry had taken a couple of weeks off work to be with Gemma and the baby and he would also rehearse for Manhunt 2016. Jimmy told me that he cried when he was informed of the Blake's donation. He had even visited them at their office in our home town to thank them personally but was only able to talk with the general director as Chry's dad was away on business. The second cheque was sent to them via mail so I didn't meet Gemma again. I was over the moon for her and for Harry to be honest. He was still my friend but I hadn't seen him since the skiing trip. He had texted me a couple of times but I kept my replies short and to the point avoiding to meet him making up excuses that I was either studying or at Jimmy's learning bar tending tips. He had suggested private lessons with him adding winking faces and kisses but I replied saying I was in a hurry or that I would text him back which I never did.

I never asked about Charlie. I knew he was still part of the Manhunt 16 contest so I guess that pretty much answered everything. I never asked about other hook ups either maybe because I was afraid of the answer? He never lied to me, he never pretended to be something else nor did he ask me out or anything. It was just simple flirting. So I focused on my studies and having fun. Jimmy would let me know what was going with Natalie and I would in turn inform everyone who donated.

Shadows was throwing a huge costume party as we were celebrating the carnival. We were instructed to dress in costumes and we were more than willing to do so. Jimmy was dressed as Christian Grey, surprise-surprise.

 Jimmy was dressed as Christian Grey, surprise-surprise

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