INTRO/ SESSION ONE: Familiarity with Friendliness

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We need two kinds of aquaintances, ones to complain to, ehilr to the others we boast. - Logan Parsall Smith

I've never questioned my thinking process, I knew complexity oozed from my pores, and repentant never came up in my vocabulary.

Solidarity, it's a word that is usually deliberately overlooked in our modern day lives. People freak out over the insignificant little things, will little Susie be late for her dance recital, or am I going to finish dinner on time? How many followers do I have on Twitter, or why does he keep his phone on vibrate when I'm around? Is he cheating on me, or what can I do to make her know I really love her? These are questions I hear people ask on a daily. I find it absorbing, that I recite the prospects of possibly understanding where they are coming from, at times I do.

All I have to say is, thank goodness I don't have any issues that need repairing. And even if so, who really gives a shit?

Olivia squinted her eyes while leaning her head sideways, she curved her index finger over a picture frame hanging from her office walls. She practiced hanging her pictures just right, for the special occasion, it was her first day alone in her fancy new office space. No more clinicals, study exams, shadowing, or pig headed supervisors staring over her shoulder. This was the real deal, she was content with the end results, after all she deserved it.

She happily saw three patients total for that day, she had one last appointment before she could travel home. The smell and softness of her bed made her weak at the knees, hard work was satisfying, but so was hot bathwater. and a huge plush mattress comforter.

With a twist of her lips and another hard squint, she stepped back a little to observe the reprinted art piece. She assumed that was as good as it gets, then decided to leave it alone. After looking at the time, she reminded herself that she needed to take a quick lunch break before her final patient arrived. She wasn't huge on group meetings, around lunch time. She'd much rather sit alone and reflect her thoughts for the day. Plus, the annoying chatter of her office colleagues made her skin crawl. She loved them to death, but they sounded like squawking birds, trying to speak over one another.

Dr. Kendall dug through her large tote for a moment, before she single offhandedly pulled out a large styrofoam to-go box. She beamed at the sight of last nights dinner, missed due to a busy work schedule. She didn't care if it was a day old, you could never go wrong with a Reuben. She hummed delightfully as her teeth sank down into the dark rye bread of her sandwich, just as she prepared to take another bite she heard her door swing open.

"Oh my..oh, I'm sorry." a female's timid voice traveled from behind her door, then back down the halls.

"Grace!" Olivia managed to speak with a mouth full of food, she covered her mouth to be polite. After waiting a moment she realized her assistant wasn't returning. Grace was such a nervous person, she definitely worked at the right place. "Grace!" she called again dropping her sandwich down into the carryout container.

She smirked as she heard the clicking of the assistant's heals nearing her office door again.

"Yes ma'am?" Grace finally made a appearance, she poked her head around the crack of the door, gripping her fingers anxiously around the frame. Her short blonde locks were bright as ever, which only showcased her angelic face. She was beautiful to Olivia, but her nervous personality definitely took away from her glamour.

"How are you today?" Olivia never took her eye from her, she bent her spine to toss her twice heated lunch in the trashcan.

"I'm fine ma'am thanks for asking.." her body tensed as she took a hard swallow. "Just wanted to let you know your four o' clock is here a little early." she figured she'd get it out of the way now rather than wait.

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