SESSION TWO: Sunshine Through My Window

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Everyone has good days, those bright sunshiny, birds singing in the windowpane, wonderful days. For Dr. Kendall today happened to be her day, she woke up feeling like she could accomplish anything, and defeat anyone that tried to stop her from her ultimate goal. Several days had gone by since the doors of her office officially opened, it couldn't get any better. She worried that her routine patients would find it difficult adjusting to her move, to her delight they adjusted just fine. Her prior location was uncomfortably crowded, and reeked of staff members that were more than willing to show their unenthusiastic ways. This way was the better way, they were comfortable, in return she felt at home.

Dr. Kendall sat motionless as she listened to one of her regular clients, he sat across from her completely emotional, and unstable. Her goal for the day was to conduct a short stress release exercise with all of her patients. He took that opportunity and ran with it, she predicted that he would but she didn't mind.

"...I just hate her! Every breath she takes kills me, I despise everything about her! She's just fucking evil.." the young man took the palm of his hand to wipe vague tears from his face. He felt uncomfortable by Olivia's unemotional stare, he gave a few broken pants and turned to look away.

"What do you think your mother feels for you Danny?" Olivia rolled the long sleeves of her loose-knit sweater beyond her elbows. She folded her left foot under her right leg to appear more comfortable in her seat. If she looked at ease then he'd be more inclined to open up to her.

"Hate.." Danny breathed before running his long fingers through his auburn hair. After hearing no reply he anxiously glared forward, Olivia's slightly broken expression made him defensive. "What? She told me so, if you don't believe me then ask her yourself!"

"I'm sure she doesn't hate you, how could she? You're a good son, a good man Danny." the sound of her voice soothed his once tensed position, but still his harsh emotions remained.

Over the years Danny had become accustomed to Olivia, he always felt comfortable telling her his feelings. His mother was slightly apprehensive at their first session, when learning she was a clinical psychologist in training. Only after years of dedication and a slight change in his erratic behavior patterns, did she earn trust from both the parent and child.

Olivia felt sympathy for his mother. Not only did she have to accept the fact that her child had a mental illness, she had to withstand the emotional abuse that followed his outbursts. Dr. Kendall strived on making Danny see things in a positive light, she only wanted to see him comfortable with life. Despite his behavior record mocking the stages of a adolescent child, Danny was in his mid twenties.

"Do you ever want to harm your mom Danny?" she had asked him this question time and time again, but this session was filled with frustration.

He looked away from her, he knew she ultimately knew the truth. "No, she just makes me so mad!"

Olivia didn't make it obvious, but she glanced to her clock sitting over her work desk behind him. She made the mistake of checking her watch in front of patients before, and it was rule breaker number one. Never make the patient feel unwelcome, never make them sense the urgency of rush, stay humble and take your time.

"How about we go talk to her?" Olivia questioned after realizing his session was coming to a close. She stood to her feet as she tugged at her casual slacks, Danny sat there briefly staring up to her apprehensively.

"What is it? Come on, we have to tell her all the things we did today!" Olivia kindly extended her hand to make him more willing, she didn't want to come across as childlike but sometimes she had to take the approach.

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