Chapter 1

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"SHIRO, GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW AND EXPLAIN THIS!" Haise shouted. He waited a moment before just storming up to his room himself. He didn't bother knocking, walking right in. Shiro was sitting up on his bed, ear buds in his ears as he listened to music. "SHIRO!" He screamed again. This time, he looked up at his older brother and sighed. He took out the ear buds. 

"What's up?" Shiro asked and cracked his index finger with his thumb. "I'm sure I have been a good boy today..." The grin Shiro gave Haise sent shivers up his spine. 

"Care to explain why Uta just called to ask what color you wanted the piercing?" 

"Actually, I don't really care to explain, dear brother." 

"Let me rephrase that; Tell me why you were getting a piercing!" Haise was putting the foot down now. 

"Jeez, Haise-chan, you really don't let anything slide. Relax, it's nothing deadly," the younger boy answered in a dismissive tone. This only angered Haise more. 

"But why !?"

"Because I wanted one?" there was a slight question to his tone. "And I just so happened to have a friend who could do a favor for me." He put his earbuds back in in an attempt to block out his brother's shouting. 

"You should have at least asked me! I would have said no anyways, but..!" Haise gave up when he realized that Shiro wasn't even trying to listen anymore. He slammed the door shut behind him and walked back into the living room. At least Kuro was level-minded. 

"What was that all about?" asked Kuro who looked up from the book he was reading. Haise sighed and sat down on the couch next to him. 

"Just Shiro...being Shiro." Kuro chuckled. "So, how was your day?" he asked, changing the subject. 

"...Normal?" he shrugged. "If you leave out the part where I found banana pajamas in the laundry," he added. Haise tried to hide his embarrassment, looking away. They could never know. 

"Oh wow," he commented and forced a chuckle so that he wouldn't seem suspicious. 

"They're your pajamas, right?" asked Kuro. Haise gave him a threatening stare. 

"You tell Shiro and I'll have your corpse as the Qs's new training dummy." Kuro gave a nervous gulp and nodded. Haise could be scary when he wanted to be. 

"I understand, nii-chan...." Haise suddenly cheered up and patted Kuro on the back. He turned on the TV and started to flip through channels and Kuro wondered back to his room to finish some homework. 

*time skip*

After they sat down to eat dinner, Shiro seemed distant. He was just picking at his rood with his fork half-heartedly while staring into space. Haise actually managed to draw a conversation out of Kuro about the classes that Kuro wanted to take next year. Soon, Kuro noticed Shiro's strange behavior too, because usually the obnoxious brother was the one leading the conversation. 

"I'll be right back," Haise excused himself from the table. 

"M'kay..." Shiro said distantly. Haise winked at Kuro. The black-haired boy tried to hold back giggles as Haise crept up behind Shiro. He stood there for a few moments, trying not to giggle himself. He suddenly placed his hands on Shiro's shoulders, causing him to jump. 

Kuro giggled, but was soon silenced by the threatening stare Shiro gave him. "I swear to god..." he muttered. "What the hell was that for?" 

"Don't say that!" scolded Haise. "You've just been acting strange, that's all," he chuckled and sat back down in his seat. 

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