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I know that we are, 

just friends. 

But I want to be, 


I know that, 

I can't have these, 

feelings for you, 

cause you will, 

never feel as the way, 

I do. 

When you sing, 

my heart flutters. 

When you walk, 

down the hall.

I can't stop myself, 

from admiring what, 

can't be mine. 

I can't change the, 

way I feel. 

I wan't to get over, 


But that will,

never happen.

The pain in my, 

heart from knowing, 

that I fell in love, 

with someone that I, 

will never and can, 

never have. 

But what I am, 

feeling can only be, 

a dream. 

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