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•••YOUR POV•••

Jacobs mom has been texting me why me and Jacob don't talk anymore. My mom gave her my number. It's sad, I miss his mom alot. She was nice to me. So I texted her back

Mom #3: Hey Y/N dear, why aren't you and Jacob talking anymore?

Her name is Mom #3 because Lorens mom is Mom #2.

Me: Hi. Jacob and I had a.. Fight. Sort of.. And I'm kind of disappointed in him. I miss you guys alot. Except Jacob. Well I miss him a little.

Mom #3: Why don't you come over this weekend? You guys can make up. I hate it seeing Jacob sad.. He talks about you alot.

Me: Woah, really? Yeah, sure! To be honest I don't like fighting with Jacob. But uhh.. Does his girlfriend, Maddie come often?

Mom #3: Uhh.. No, she is on vacation or something. I don't know.. I don't really like her. You and Jacob look way better!

Me: OOOOKAY bye Ms. Sartorius I'll see you Friday!!

Mom #3: In a few years you're going to be Ms. Sartorius too😉😗

Me: I think I have plans this weekend...😦

Mom #3: You're coming, young lady! Can't wait to see you!

I smiled. God, that woman is amazing! I walked downstairs in my pajamas (Since school was closed because of the snow) and laid on the couch."Moooom!! Can we go to the Sartorius house this weekend?" My mom shouted back at me."Suuree! You can catch up with Jacob and meet his sister Caroline!" It was Thursday, and since the snow will stay for a while, we can leave in the morning.

After dinner I grabbed my stuff. I got my clothes and stuff I needed to survive the Sartorius House. I then immediately put on my pajamas and jumped in bed."TIME FOR SOME BROADCASTING." I then got my laptop and went on younow. Weston was broadcasting. I decided to watch him instead of getting live myself."Hold up Y/N is watching????? Y/N! COME GET IN THE GUEST QUE!!!" (Is it Que or Q like idk) Weston noticed me and I got in the Q. He guested me and he immediately laughed."What?" I asked him, like what are you lookin at? I sighed and he giggled."Your room is so weird." Seriously, was that what he was laughing at? I texted the groupschat.


Me: Westons a dork amirite

Weston🍑: shut up potato ur just jealous bc you aint got no booty

Loren😖🌚: weston pls im watching your broadcast and you should drop Y/N n guest meeeeeee

Me: laUREN

Loren😖🌚: u should sleep y/n ots past bedtime 4 you


Weston🍑: yes u borin potato

Me; smh

I shut off my phone and laptop and fell asleep.

I had a weird dream.
Jacob was there
I was there
And some other girl.
The girl smirked at me,
Then at Jacob.
Jacob stared at me, not doing anything else. The stare almost burned in my skull. Then the girl attacked me and put me in a coma.

I woke up, and looked on my phone. 5 AM. Great time to be awake. For SCHOOL. I sighed, because I knew that I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep now. I got on twitter and tweeted."I woke up. IT'S 5 AM. brb gonna make some food." I then rolled out of bed, and walked downstairs. I made some pizza and put it in the oven (its not supposed to go in the microwave right?) I literally waited so long until the counter said "1 second" and put it out, so that you couldn't hear that mean ass beep who wakes your mom up. I smirked and got that nice ass pizza out of the fricken oven. I cut the pizza and immediately started eating. I mean, who wouldn't love pizza as breakfast? I sat in front of the tv with my pizza and sat there for 2 hours. Then my mom came downstairs with her bag and mine."Get dressed, and I wanted to take that pizza with us!" I shrugged and walked upstairs."Oops." My mom walked outside and put our bags in the back of the car. I put on a pink sweater and some black jeans. My hair was a little messy, so I put it in a tight high bun. I ran downstairs and out of the house. Ofcourse I had my phone with me. I took a selfie on snapchat and drew a smiley next to my face. I got in the car and my mom came in too.

CAR RIDES ARE FUN! We listened to music and sang along with the songs.

Okay. This was it. We were at Jacobs house. My mom walked to the door and knocked, while I grabbed the bags and hid behind our car."Y/N, come on, it's cold hun." I heard Jacobs mom say. I closed the car doors and hurried inside. I greeted them all with a hug except Jacob."Y/N, you can sleep in Carolines room with her. M/N (moms name), you can sleep in the guest room." I nodded and Caroline and me walked to her room. I dropped my bag there and Caroline spoke."Jacob talks about you alot." I literally wanted to fall and break something, because I like Jacob, but he has a girlfriend."Jacob has Maddie ." I said, reacting harsh."He does talk about her sometimes, she's nice, but when he talks about you you see those sprinkles in his eyes." Caroline turned around and sat on her bed."Caroline.. I don't know what to think. I can't just fall in love with Jacob when he has a girlfriend. So I have to stay away from him for a while.." I said, sighing. I sat down against the wall with my head in my hands. Did I already love Jacob? What even IS love? Caroline chuckled and said."I don't know if that's possible, with him living in this house." She walked out of her room, giving me some space. Then I heard the door slowly opening again."I should– Oh." I looked up and saw who it was. Jacob. He chuckled awkwardly and sat on the edge of Carolines bed. It was quiet, and the only thing that happened between me and Jacob was staring. Lots of staring."Take a –" He grabbed his phone and took a picture of me. I mumbled grumpy."What are you doing here?" I asked him. "I want to know why we got distant. What happened?" He answered, looking at me with sad eyes."Maddie." The tone in my voice was harsh. Like I was cussing or something."Are you jealous? What has she done to you?" I rolled my eyes when I heard him say that."No. You got me confused. 'Cause the last day at the tour you kissed me, telling me I could have time to think about wether I like you and then the second day you got a girlfriend, that isn't me." I said, glaring at him. He sighed and rested his head on his hands."Look, someone told me you liked that supporter. So I didn't want to be the sad boy and I wanted to come over strong. I liked Maddie, but that was way before I met you.." Jacob said, he sounded hurt."Jacob. Do you still like Maddie?" I said, still being harsh 'cause I was mad."...Maybe.. Dude, I don't know." I stood up, and wanted to walk away. Jacob grabbed my hand, and pulled me back."Just wait! Look I totally like you and.. I don't know but please don't hate me because that's just not cool!" Jacob raised his voice."I don't want to talk to you this weekend. I'm not gonna get involved in some love triangle." Jacob was getting frustrated now, I could tell."It isn't /my/ fault that I like you and Maddie." Jacob said, grabbing my hand."If you like me, Jacob, then you have to forget that you like me. You have a girlfriend." Tears wanted to escape my eyes, but resisted to cry. Damn, I had strong feelings for this boy. Jacob smiled."You know I couldn't do that. Look, we don't need to like be in a relationship or something just don't hate me." He hugged me, and I hugged back. I hugged so tight that I almost heard him choking. I'm happy that we're not fighting anymore. Jacob's like.. My best friend. This weekend was going to be fun now.

I'm back.
I hate school.
It took ALMOST A WHOLE WEEK to write this wth.
This sucked.
I love y'all.

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