How ya' doin'

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How ya’ doin’?:

Heeeeeeeeeey guuuuuuuuuuuuys! Sorry but i don't think i'm going to finish my other story with Perrie, but don't worry i AM going to finish this one, hope ya' like it!


Hey, how ya’ doin’? Sorry you can’t get through why don’t you leave your, name and your number and we’ll get back to you…


Perrie’s POV:

It was the day before me and the girls we’re performing our new song ‘ How ya’ doin’? ‘ for the first time, on Times square year 2012. Me Leigh-Anne, Jade and Jesy was really exited. But nervous too. ‘’ What if we’re going to forget the text?! ‘’ Jade said, freaking me out. ‘’ We’re not going to forget the text. ‘’ I said, trying to calm her down. ‘’ But what if Jade’s right? ‘’ Leigh-Anne said, yelling at me. ‘’ She’s not right this time. ‘’ I said. ‘’ I think she’s right! Jade’s always right! I won’t forget the text Perrie! ‘’ Jesy added, freaking me even more out making me face the floor before standing up and yelling at them: ‘’ WE’RE NOT GOING TO FORGET THE TEXT OK!? YES JADE USE TO BE RIGHT BUT YOU’RE FREAKING ME OUT! ‘’ The girls looked terrified, but then calmed down because I yelled at them. They know I don’t like to yell at them unless if it’s important.

‘’ Sorry. ‘’ I simply say sitting down on my chair again.

1 hour later.

I heard the bell rang instead of my Nap, opening my one eye and say: ‘’ Can one of you get that? ‘’ ‘’ No I’m tired! ‘’ Jade says, hiding her cute little head underneath her blanket. ‘’ Not me, I’m not as close to the door as you Pezz, you get it. ‘’ Jesy says. ‘’ Yes, Jesy’s right, you’re closest to the door, go get it, I’ll do it next time. ‘’ Leigh-Anne added. I sighed before getting up and opening the door. To my surprise there he stood. Zayn Malik, with a buqet of blue roses in his big hands. I know people used to bring flowers but it’s still sweet! And the he’s also. No! Pezz! Don’t think like that ‘bout a boy, you know you promised the girls not to date anyone! And you don’t even like him. You like Louis. The funny one. Not the mysterious one named Zayn. ‘’ These are for you Dear. ‘’ Zayn said, handing me the flowers. ‘’ Thank you. ‘’ I said, putting on my fake-smile before closing the door right in front of him, throwing the flowers on the floor and sleeping again.

Jesy’s POV:

When Perrie got in she threw some roses on the floor and then went to bed. I knew somehting was wrong. Oh no. Was it Zayn again? Urgh! That jerk! He’d broke her heart before, and I have something to say : ‘ Once a heartbreaker, always a heartbreaker. ‘ God, we all hate him for that now. But I’m gonna worry about that tomorrow. Right now I’m going to bed.

Jade’s POV:

Next morning

We all woke up at 5 A.M. Perrie was the last to wake up, and ofcours I was the first, then Leigh-Anne and then Jesy. I’m always the first to wake up and Perrie’s always the last. She’s like a… Bitch, in the morning. ALWAYS!

‘’ Goodmorning Pezz. ‘’ I said, trying to wake Perrie up. ‘’ Leave me alone! ‘’ She answered, hiding under her blanket. ‘’ Perrie wake up! ‘’ Jesy yelled, at her. ‘’ NO! ‘’ She yelled back, at Jesy. ‘’ Fine. ‘’ Leigh-Anne said, before giving Jesy a sign that she should take Perries blanket and get her out on the floor. ‘’ OUCH! ‘’ She yelled. ‘’ K! I’M AWAKE NOW! HAPPY?! ‘’ She added. ‘’ Yes. ‘’ Jesy said, putting on her evil-smile.

The doorbell rang. Once. Then for the second time. Then third. ‘’ Leigh-Anne! You promised you’d open the door the next time, it’s your turn! ‘’ Perrie yelled, from the kitchen while making herself a sanwich.

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