We're public!

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Max had driven Allison home, and he came home at 9:30. He slid down to his room/lair.

Dr. Colosso: Hey kid. How lame was the dance? *laughs a little*

Max just smiled and sighed happily thinking about Allison.

Dr. Colosso: Kid, what's the matter with ya?

Before he respond, Chloe and Phoebe appeared in Max's room. Phoebe has the biggest smile on her face.

Max: What's with the smile?
Dr. Colosso: Maybe she's trying to fix her face by breaking it! *laughs uncontrollably*

Phoebe sneers at Colosso, and then she used her ice breath to freeze him.

Phoebe: Max, you and Allison are popular!! *shows him her phone*

Max looks at the phone and sees a picture tooken during their kiss. The caption reads the following: Max and Allison, the hottest new couple!! #Mallison #MrandMrsMaxThunderman #OTP

Max couldn't believe it! He and Allison are the most popular couple in the whole school!

Chloe: You're famous, baby!
Phoebe: So, it's official, huh?
Max: *smiles* Yeah, I guess it's official.

The twins smiled, and then they realize Colosso was still frozen, so Max used his heat breath to unfreeze him. Colosso's computer went off, so he looked at it, and he gasped. He glared at Max.

Dr. Colosso: You're dating that short girl!?!
Max: Her name's Allison. And yeah I am. *blushes*
Dr. Colosso: *gags* What's wrong with you?!? What would Mayhem think if he found out you were dating "Miss Goody Two-Shoes"?

Max shrugs.

Max: I don't care cause I'm giving up evil forever.

Phoebe and Colosso gasped.

Chloe: Say what now?!?
Phoebe: Max, are you serious?!
Dr. Colosso: Of course not!
Max: Yeah, I am serious. For Allison.

Colosso gags again.

Max: *rolls his eyes* Gag all you want, Colosso.
Dr. Colosso: You realize if you do this, you might never become a villain.
Max: *shrugs* Then, I guess I'll never become a villain.

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