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(Scars POV)

One day after the party-

That night at the party, something happened that shattered my heart into pieces. I will never love anyone the same, for that trust I had, it's gone, forever.

(Before, @ the party)

Loud music filled the house. I never thought I'd party like this again since I was a teenager. We had friends, neighbors, and even some strangers over. I'm currently in the kitchen, getting a drink. All the boys are already drunk, while Lainey and I have been spending time by the pool. Since she's pregnant, she can't drink or she could harm the baby. After I got my drink, I headed back out to the backyard to hang with one of my best friends. I took a seat by her, putting my legs in the pool. I am wearing jean shorts and a LA tank top. "So, what are your plans for after the wedding?" She asked, turning her head to me, on her left. I shrugged, "To be honest, I don't know. I mean, we already have a nice home, two amazing children, and each other. There's nothing else I want. I wouldn't ask for anyone else!" Lainey smiled. "What about you? After you give birth?" I asked. "Well, I've always wanted to move to Indiana. You know Aaron, as long as we're together, he'll be happy!" Lainey smiled like a goof. I giggled. "It's getting cold, you wanna go upstairs to my room?" I asked, rubbing my arms to make the goosebumps disappear. She nodded and stood up. I did the same and helped her through the house and up the stairs. We slowly walked down the hall and to Tays and my room. We heard some giggles and other sounds behind the door. I placed NY hand on the door nob and slowly turned it, opening the door. I walked in with Lainey by my side and flipped on the light switch. I turned my head to the notice on the bed. There it was, something I never thought I'd see. Taylor was laying there shirtless with a beach blonde girl on top. She to was shirtless. I gasped as I felt tears steaming down my face. Taylor looked up at me and pushed the girl off. "Scar, baby, I...." I cut him off, "Dont call me that, ever again! How could you? We're engaged! We have 2 kids! After all we've been through and now you do this! Why? You know how many times I've been hurt by a guy breaking my heart! Matt called me a stupid girl looking for attentin, Jack G cheated on me with a blonde barbie, now this! How could you?" I was now colasping to the ground. I looked down as my face was then soaked. "Scar, are you okay? I heard screaming and I....." Nash ran in and looked at Taylor. Suddenly, Nash was charging for Taylor. The rest of the boys rushed in, Johnson and Matt holding Nash back. "Scarlet, I am so sorry!" Taylor said, a mere whisper. "Save it! We're through!" I yelled, tossing my ring to him, "I don't ever want to see you again!" I then ran out and left. I left the house. I kept running and running until I couldn't feel my feet. When I stopped, I looked up to see I was a few blocks from Cam's and Carley's place. They left the party early, maybe I'll see if they're home. I headed to their place and knocked on the door, still crying. "Scar! Are you okay?" Cameron asked, hugging me. I shook my head. They let me in and I explained everything. "This was a horrible night!" I said, sniffing. Carley nodded as she was understanding.

(Back @ present)

Ever since that night, James, Lydia, and I have been staying with Lainey and Aaron helping out around the house. That's my life now, well, just until I find my own place and get a job.


a/n= Hey guys! Long and Crazy chapter! Well, that was a big twist I had planned. Please don't kill me!? Hehe, love ya peeps!

Yo pal,

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