*// raindrops \\*

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- PoV: Second Person, you -
- Setting: A week after "Story Time" -

"The rain is getting pretty dense," the young bartender said, drying a drinking glass with a towel. "You'd might as well stay here 'till it passes, yes?"
You nod, looking at the raindrops crawling down the window. "I suppose so. After all, what else do I have to do today?" You sip from your glass of iced tea. It's still warm, which is kind of gross, but you drink it anyways.
"I've heard a famous internet person is coming into town. What's his name, Thomas Sandy?" The bartender says, scratching his head. It seemed he was unfamiliar with the subject.
Your face lights up. "Oh, you mean Thomas Sanders?"
"Yes, that's him. I think he's from the app 'Vine'."
"Yup. I actually know him quite well."
"Is that so? May I ask if you two are together if that is not intruding?"
"We're together. Last time he came over to my house was a week ago, and we then began dating. I haven't seen him since, though. Strange, is it not? Maybe he's been busy with classes."
  The bartender continued cleaning the supplies, looking back outside. You look as well. Each drop was a bullet, striking violently at the pane.
  "I'm rambling again, sorry," you say, taking another sip of the iced tea. It was now chilled, but watery. "May I just have a Sprite?"
  "Absolutely," the bartender said, taking your glass, emptying it, and filled it with Sprite from the fountain drink hose. "Maybe you should text or call him, it'd be a nice thing to do."
  "You're right," you say, taking your phone out of your pocket, unlocking your phone, and opening Snapchat. You snap him a photo of your glass.

At The Bull... how are you?

    Almost no less than three minutes later, you get a reply:

Studying, but I could use a break. Mind if I join you?

  You smile at the snap and send him a thumbs-up and a happy face emoji on a blank background and put your phone away.

PoV: First Person, Thomas

  The rain was really deep today. I didn't realize how bad it was until I started to drive. I was nearly five minutes away from The Bull, but with this rain, it'd easily delay me.
  It was nice to hear from [Y/N], especially after a long week, and I haven't heard from her the entire time. Last Sunday was really fun for me, though we just hung out and watched Netflix and ate the whole time, which was totally fine with me.
  I was approaching the parking lot, when all of a sudden, a masculine screech was heard through the rain. Someone was outside waving to me, soaking wet. Probably a fan, so I waved back, smiling.
  I got out, trying to avoid him, because I wanted to catch up with [Y/N], so I grabbed my umbrella and headed in.
  "Thomas!" [Y/N] called out from the bar, waving for me to come over. As I sat down, she slid a glass of Coke my way.
  "Since you were coming over, I decided to order you a drink!" She said, smiling brightly.
  "Thank you!" I say, taking a sip. What did I ever do to deserve her?

PoV: Second Person, you

  "Thanks for paying," you say, Thomas passing the bill to the bartender.
  "It wasn't a problem at all. I just had a great time hanging out with you after this past week." He replied, standing from his seat. You look outside the window. It's still rainy. Maybe harder than it was earlier. You sigh.
  "It's still at it," you whine, pointing outside. "I'll just have to make a run for it."
  "No need," Thomas said, picking up a small, portable, red umbrella, still in its cover. Little dots of water were spotted on the handle from previous use.
  As the two of you walk out, Thomas extends the umbrella, holding it over both of your heads, protecting you from the rain. You hug onto his side to stay drier, Thomas smiling.
  As the two of you walk over to your car, you quickly situate yourself into the driver's seat, rolling down the window.
  "Thanks again for coming and the umbrella," you say, smiling.
  "My pleasure," he says, leaning in a little closer, matching up eye levels. You lean in a little more as well, blushing. You were debating whether to go into a kiss, when suddenly, Thomas makes that decision, going for your lips. You embrace it, then disconnect after a few moments, though feeling like forever. As he pulls away, both of your eyes twinkling.
  "See you soon," you say, blushing uncontrollably. He smiles, saying goodbye as well, then you drive off.

** Hello everyone! So I noticed that a couple of you enjoyed my previous Thomas Sanders x Reader fanfiction, thank you! So, I decided to make a short continuation of that story with this. I hope you enjoy this one!
If you swipe to the next part, you'll be asked to comment on what fanfic you'd like to read from me. I have a couple options, so I'd be glad to hear from you all to know which you'd like to read!

YouTwoobs <3 **

Thomas Sanders x Reader: Raindrops // Short FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora