Give Me Love

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For the past half-hour Jackie had been trying to catch the guitarist's eye as his band jammed away on stage, with no success. When he wasn't looking at the other guys on stage, he was focused on a point just above her head and to the right, refusing to look anywhere else.

As Jackie sipped her drink and leaned against the bar she was starting to get a little frustrated. How could she not get his attention when she had easily caught everyone else's? Not a lot of women were in this club right now, and certainly none like herself. It was obvious Jackie was not a prostitute, but something about her screamed sensuality. She was not here just for the music.

Jackie tossed her long dark hair over her shoulder and winked at a man who she had just caught staring at her. He smiled, revealing several missing teeth and she disgustedly turned her attention back to the stage. The wood planks balanced on top of the beer crates shook violently as one of the older boys danced around on stage, wearing nothing but underwear and a toilet seat around his neck.

That boy had shown a funny sense of humor, which had at first interested Jackie, but after seeing his anger towards another man earlier when he drenched him with water, she decided to turn her attention elsewhere.

Hamburg had never really been the place Jackie thought she would like to see. But when her mother came home and announced they were moving to America in a month's time for Jackie's schooling she had not hesitated before running away to the naughtiest city in Europe. She had told her mother she'd be staying with a cousin in London, but truthfully, a friend from school had a sibling in Hamburg that invited Jackie to stay with her. Lisa was her name, and she told Jackie, Hamburg was something everyone should experience, to get out of their system at a young age. So, that's what Jackie thought her self to be doing.

Tonight was her last night in this wild city, and after being mostly drunk for two weeks, she had decided to sober up a little bit and see some shows. Lisa hadn't wanted to go into the Kaiserkeller, but Jackie saw the place as a challenge and barged her way right in, leaving Lisa out on the street to make her way back home alone.

The music she had heard erupting from the place initially interested her, but it didn't hurt that a large number of extremely attractive British boys seemed to be milling around.

When Rory Storm and the Hurricanes first came on she had at first eyed the drummer, but after their set was up and he stood, she was disappointed to see he was at least an inch shorter than her. Of course the lead singer was attractive, but not in the same way the blue-eyed boy was...

At the moment though, she desperately wanted to get the attention of the tall, handsome lead guitarist on stage. She set her drink down as they started a new number, something faster she didn't recognize. For a brief moment, Jackie thought she saw the boy's eyes flicker over towards her and she smiled widely in return, but by then he was already looking away. She cursed silently in her head. It must have been a trick of the light.

The crowd was really getting into this song, and the ruckus was starting to pick up. Hoping to avoid being thrown into some kind of brawl or getting involved in any kind of violence, Jackie slipped off to the side of the stage, moving away from most of the rowdiness and putting her self at an angle to the boys on stage.

The guitarist she'd been eyeing was turned slightly away from her but she tried to soak in as much detail as she could. His profile was shrouded in darkness, but it only helped to make him look even more mysterious and endearing. It was not a trick of the light, this one was certainly very attractive, and watching him play sent a thrill down Jackie's spine. He made it look easy, as his hands glided smoothly over the notes, not missing a single beat.

Jackie was determined. She was going to catch his attention before the night was over.

The song ended and was met with a roar of cheers from the restless crowd. They were popular, almost as well liked as Rory's bunch. Finished with their set, the boys stripped themselves of their gear and shoved them into cases, waving goodbye at they waltzed off the stage. The one in only his knickers paused to throw kisses to the crowd, and tossed his toilet seat into the mass of people.

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