Chapter One - The Phone Call

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Author's Notes:

1. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

2. Any criticism, and opinionated reference to any race in this novel is only for the benefit of the story and does not necessarily reflect that of the author.

3. Please check the media to see Deenah's picture.

The NURSE © 2016 by Jeni Ronato. All Rights Reserved.


"LISTEN, I know you are always ahead of your schedule if not just in time, Jen, but that doesn't mean you could miss out on book tours if there are such. Don't you want to meet your fans, people who read your works?" Jennifer's publisher, Leila, said on the other end of the line. She woke Jennifer up from her afternoon nap to convince her to do a book tour.

"Leila, I don't usually refuse you on these book tours, right? I mean, I love children and all that, and I love meeting them and their parents and signing copies for them. But please, right now, I want to have some time by myself. I want to be left alone for a while."

There was silence. "Leila? Are you still there?"

"How long are you going to do that to yourself, Jen?" Leila asked seriously. Jen didn't like it when Leila sounded that way.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She denied.

"The hell you don't! It's been two years. Jen, stop destroying yourself for that guy. He is not worth it!" Leila

"I'm not destroying myself, Lei." She said softly.

"Oh yes! You are not destroying yourself. You're a successful writer, beautiful, loved by anyone, but you know what? You and I both know that beneath that cool façade, there's a lonely person keeping herself from finding the happiness she deserves. Is that not destroying oneself?"

"I need more time to forget him, Leila." She finally admitted.

"But, Jen, it has been two years now. Try opening doors to other guys out there. I know some guys who are interested in you. Why don't you give them a chance? Maybe you can't forget Khaled because you don't let anyone else in." Leila went on.

"It's only been a year, Leila, and we've been through this before. I am not interested to meet anyone until I have forgotten him completely. I don't wish to be rude, but I have to hang up, okay?"

"Fine." Leila hang up. Jen didn't bother calling back. Leila was right as usual, but some things just needed time.

Her mobile phone rang again. She answered without looking at the screen.

"Lei, I'm sorry I-" she was interrupted by a strange woman's voice.

"Hallo, I am looking for Jennifer Dantés." She sounded Middle Eastern. Jennifer's heartbeat quickened. Who could it be?

"Yes, this Jennifer Dantés. May I know who this is, please?" She asked nervously.

"I am Khaled's mother, Deenah. Can I speak to you?" the woman replied seriously.

"Why, madam, is there something wrong? How is Khaled?" She asked, trying to sound calm. Please let him be alright.

"Jennifer, is it possible to speak in Skype?" Deenah asked impatiently.

"Okay, sure! Let me switch my computer on." She hurried and switched her computer on to log in to Skype. She did not have the app on her phone.

"My ID is deenah_qahtani. Add me." The woman commanded. Jennifer was anxious to know what was going on, so she didn't mind the commanding tone of the woman.

"Ok, there, I added you." She said.

"I will call you there." After that the woman hang up. A caller flashed on Jennifer's laptop.

"Hello, madam." Jennifer greeted formally. She wanted to smile, but worry creased her brows.

The woman on screen was in her late forties. She was wearing a dark blue veil that framed her perfectly made up face. Jennifer could recognize her for Khaled had shown some pictures of his mother a few times before. Her serious façade reminded Jennifer of Maleficent.

"Hello, Jennifer. How are you?" Deenah asked.

"Hello, madam. I am fine. Thank you. How are you?" she asked back politely.

"I have called to speak to you of a very important matter. But before that, I would like to know a few things. Will you answer me with honesty?" the older woman asked.

Jennifer nodded. "I will try. However, I would also honestly tell you if I cannot answer your questions."

"Fair enough. I'd rather you refuse to answer than lie." came her reply.

The older woman sighed. "When did you meet my son?"

Jennifer didn't know what was going on, but she decided to answer patiently. "A little over two years, madam."

"How did you meet?"

"I met him online."

"I see. Have you met him in person?"


"Did he come to Philippines?"


"Do you love him?"

"Y-... Madam, why are you asking these things? I have no contact with Khaled for a year now. He just disappeared and I respect his wishes to severe contacts with me. I was just a passing fancy. If you are worried about my relationship with your son, you need not be. We have none."

"When did he stop contacting you?" Deenah asked.

"Late January last year." He even removed me from one of his social media, Jennifer wanted to add, but she didn't say it. As it was, she already said too much to this woman.

Deenah looked at the younger woman before her on the screen. She was not beautiful in their standards, but she could see that she could be improved with little enhancements. She had seen pictures of her in her son's iPad and there were shots where she had looked stunning. At the moment, she must have just gotten out of bed, for her face was flushed from sleep and her eyes were still puffy.

"Jennifer, I will ask you one last time. Do you love my son?" she asked seriously. Jennifer's answer would decide the older woman's next actions.

Jennifer was speechless. One moment her friend was telling her to move on and forget Khaled, then next she got a call from the same man's mother asking if she still loved her son.

Although it would make her look vulnerable and pathetic, she decided to answer in all honesty. Khaled was gone from her life and she could not be farther from him as she was now. She looked at the camera as if she was looking straight into the older woman's eyes.

"With all my heart, madam. I still love your son, Khaled.. with all my heart." She said sadly. Tears gathered in her eyes.

"Then come to Qatar." The older woman said in a commanding voice.

"Excuse me?" Jennifer was astonished.

To be continued..

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