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                   NANDINI P.O.V
God how can i love him. He is a monster I hope you know the meaning of monster he totally defines it. Iam a girl who just washed dishes only 3 times and cleaned house 2 times and that to only my room. But he asked me to clean whole house I know how to clean it but still I cant take any risk. But no he is a heartless monster.
            END OF P.O.V
Maink - o hello come out of your lalala land.
Nandu mimicked him - come out of your lalala land huh my foot.
Nandu - coming can you tell me where is broom.
Manik - in kitchen
She goes in kitchen to find it but in vein.
Nandu - its not here
Manik - o then it will be in your room last time I cleaned your room and might have kept there.
She goes upstairs but their is no broom.
Nandu - Manik their is no broom in the room.
Manik - check bathroom.
Nandu ( to herself) - who keeps a broom in bathroom.
But she couldnt find it by now she started to believe he is telling her flase room.
Nandu to manik - why cant you say it at once where have you kept it.
Manik - in my room.
Nandu - now where is your room.
Manik - its downstairs oppostie to kitchen.
She goes their but she couldn't find it.
Nandu - listen pls tell me where it is.
Manik - did you check under the bed in your room.
Nandu - why didn't you tell me 1st when I went upstairs you are impossible.
Again she goes up but nope it was not their
Nandu - its not their why you didn't tell me.
Manik - i never told it is under your bed I just asked you did you check under it. Its not my fault.
Nandu - ok I losse now will you care to tell me where have you kept it.
Manik - I think you can ask in a more better way
Nandu - pls manik can you tell me where is broom.
Manik - much better. Its under sofa.
She takes it and starts cleaning from upstairs. After  half an hour or so she cleans the house.
Nandu - i did it.
Manik - I don't think so look here.
He was drinking milk he pours the milk on floor.
Manik - its still dirty
Nandini brings a cloth and cleans it.
Nandu - done.
Manik - nope
The glass in which he was drinking milk was of glass he throughs it with froce it shatters at different places.
Manik - look the glasses are still their.
Nandu - monster.
Manik (in harsh tone) - fast after this you need to cook and wash clothes.
Nandu - I hate you.
Manik - feeling is same.
Nandu - uuggg.

She picks the pices.

Manik takes her to a room which has hell amount of laundry.
Nandu - machine where it is.
Manik - you have to do it by your hands.
Nandu - you got be kidding.
Manik - nope. Now go a head.
She sits opens a pile.
Nandini to herself - just wait and watch. I will clean all your shirts.
Instead of using detergent she takes ACID bottle. She takes all his shirts throws in a bucket opens the tap and pours acid on them on shirts. As bucket gets filled she closes the tap and pulls the bucket back being carefull that her fingures does not touch water. Then she takes this

Its looks like bat she takes it and mixes the water in clothes coz acid can be mixed equally

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Its looks like bat she takes it and mixes the water in clothes coz acid can be mixed equally.
She starts to wash rest other clothes. After finishing them she takes shirt with the bat like thing and transfers it to other bucket. The she throws the water which contained acid. The shirt were colour but now they are off white and now they can be torn eaisly.
She takes the bucket and heads towards hole where they were sitting. Manik points towards backside she takes the bucket and goes back. Opens the door the spreads the clothes on the wire.
Nandu - done
Manik - cook.
She goes in kitchen sees Maggi packet makes it.
In manik's and cabir's bowl she adds extar chilly.
She keeps the food on tabel and sits to eat as she was about to put the maggi in her mouth he holds her hand and takes the fork.
Manik - you will eat mine and cabir's maggi we will eat your.
Nandu - but
Manik - I will feed you.
With that he take the bowl and takes spoonful maggi in fork cabir holds her hand back and he forcefully puts the maggi in her mouth and and keeps his hand on her mouth so she would not be able to spit it. After 5spoon tears start to come out of her eyes.
Manik holding her mouth - what do you think I don't know you mixed chilly in them you can't cry you have finish them.

Manik holding her mouth - what do you think I don't know you mixed chilly in them you can't cry you have finish them

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He leaves her mouth with a jerk. And makes fer finish the whole maggi.
By now her mouth was on fire cabir left her hands she rushed towards kitchen for water she drinks whole bottle in one go but her it was still on fire. She find sugar and takes it.
Manik - hope you had good dose.
Don't you dare to open your mouth. I can do anything.
Nandu - monster.
By saying this she goes upstairs.
After some time she falls asleep.

After sometime manik locks the room from outside and they both go to sleep.

Acid shirts are left waiting his reaction to see coz saying truely the next chp I have not written don't know how he will react. One thing is sure how ever he reacts its not goona be good for nandini I mean come on Manik will make her pay her deeds indirectly. So yup just waiting for an idea to struck in my mind.
Bye good night
P.s - sorry for late update don't have any reason its just that I was not getting anything so came up with this I mean half of thr chp I have written earlier but I left it in middle and I even forgot the idea so it took me sooo long to post this chp. But will try to post next chp soon . Bye love you guys.

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