Chapter 1- I can't apologise, I'm Sorry

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A Special Kind Of Awkward (A Christian Novelli Fanfic) 

Chapter 1- I can't Apologise, I'm Sorry

'Hi guys, My name is Phoebe and I suck at writing Bios. If you want something more just look at my twitter. Tumblr is just a place for me to let out my inner fangirl, You have been warned ;)'

1 Point for writing the worst bio ever Phoebe! I smiled to myself and started to designing my tumblr. Then my phone vibrated in my pocket. It was Louise. Louise has been my friend for as long as i can remember, considering i am 20, i think i've known her since i was about 10. so a long time and she's still put up with me. Most people just kinda, gave up on me. I guess i silently annoyed them. However that works. I let the text for a little while, she would understand. I turned my attention back to the computer. Then i heard someone thudding on my door. I lazily got out of my chair and went to open my apartment door. Then stood there a small but slender girl with light brown hair and light blue eyes. This was of course my friend Louise.

"Wasn't We meant to have a girls day today, Phoebe?" She asked raising an eyebrow. I smirked and shrugged my shoulders. She rolled her eyes at me and dragged me out of my home. When she got me out of my door i took  my hand from hers and pointed out what i was wearing. I was still in my PJ's. I was in my normal Checked bottoms and long sleeved grey t-shirt. And i didn't have any shoes on. 

"Well go get on  some shoes then!" She exaggerated rolling her eyes. I narrowed my eyes at her and went back inside to get some cash, some shoes and my phone. I slipped into my worn out black vans and picked up my bag. As i was walking out i looked at myself in the mirror. My shoulder length  black hair was looking out of place and scruffy as always, My vibrant Blue eyes were blood shocked from wearing my contacts overnight, so i picked my glasses up and took out my contacts.  I looked generally like a mess. 

I walked out and locked the door behind me as i say louise waiting there impatiently. 

"Took you long enough!" She said throwing her hands up. I stuck my tongue out at her and i walked with her. 

"Where should we go? Starbucks? Hot topic? Um, Random place?" She asked. I thought about it for a few minutes before holding up one finger to indicate i wanted to go to starbucks. Hot topic while in my PJ's. Nope. And a random place? Really louise? And Starbucks was just down the road from where i live so yeah. It was quick. 

We walked down the street, it was quite a nice day so a lot of people were out an about. It was embarassing as it did infact look like i had been dragged through a hedge backwards. It was not a good look. Many people were sitting on some of the tables outside enjoying there day, having a chat with their friends, while me and Louise walked in. We went to the line and stood there in silence. it wasn't abnormal. It was just the normal silence that would fall between us. I looked in my bag and i saw my mini notepad. I took it out along with the blunt pencil and i started looking at what to order. Hm... An Iced Caffe Americano will do me.

We eventually go to the front of the queue and Louise looked at me and i showed her what i wanted and she ordered for me. I got a weird look from the cashier and i just glared at them. A few Minutes passed and an Iced coffee got slammed down on the counter. I place the notes on the counter and i turn away to walk out of the shop. It was getting a little too crowded. I weaved my way through the people and walked out of the shop. I was walking down the street and i don't exactly realise what happens but i know i end up on the floor. 

"Um, What is your problem?" I heard someone say to me. I stand up and notice i must have tripped over the leg of a chair. I looked at the person who must have sassed me and it was a brown haired guy with a beanie on his head. What was my problem? I looked in front of me and i realised my iced coffee was all over his friend. Oh god. I gasped and put my hands in front of my mouth. I am so stupid sometimes.

A Special Kind Of Awkward *Continued by FrickleFrackleAshy*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang