The First Goodbye

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July 6th was a day made in hell for both of them. Miranda accepted the blame for the destruction of their marriage. It was no secret that she had been having an affair, no secret to anyone except her husband, Blake Shelton.
Blake had walked in to find her in the throws with another man exactly a month before he had filed for divorce. When Miranda had seen his face...there are no words to describe it. She had told Ryan earlier that it was over. She had went to him as soon as she returned from her two week break from tour. She and Blake had reconnected on a whole different level, things were better than they had been in a long time. When they had made love the night before she left, Blake hadn't felt the need to hurry off afterwards and Miranda hadn't fallen right asleep. She had laid in Blake's arms and listened to his heart beat. She had cried right there in his arms because she knew what she was doing was wrong. She wanted to be with Blake, no one else. She made up her mind as he dried her tears that she was ending things with Ryan. Blake deserved better and she was going to be better. Miranda was going to be exactly what Blake deserved.
That time seemed so far away now. The time Blake caught Ryan and Miranda together, it wasn't even supposed to happen. She really had told him they were over, but something happened. They had got the phone call about the world tour and everyone had a few drinks to celebrate. One thing led to another and before she had a clear idea as to what was going on, she was in the back with him. It wasn't that he physically took advantage of her, it was that emotionally he knew where she stood and he still let the alcohol influence them. Ultimately it was Miranda's choice to be with Ryan so she took the blame for it. It was the right thing to do.
If she closed her eyes, Miranda could still see the tears in his eyes and the shock on his face. There was no amount of alcohol that could block that memory out or erase it from her mind. Blake had played it cool though. He didn't try to fight Ryan, nor did he yell and scream at Miranda. He just looked at her, full of pain and anguish, his pride now a mere memory and said, "Goodbye."
It was the first goodbye in a series that she had no idea would come.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2016 ⏰

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