Chapter 3

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Christiana POV

- After leaving the house -                                                          

-We finally reach the carnival-

"Come on Trini we are here"

-Trini wakes up and starts smiling this weird smile at me-

"I'm going to guess you are happy to be here" I say laughing

" Yup" Trinity says still smiling at me

- I lock the car doors and walk to the carnival window-

"Hi. Can I get two tickets please?" I say

- This fine ass man turns around and smiles at me-

'Sure" he says smiling with his fine self

- I  walk away to the security and show them our tickets-

"So Trin what do you want to do first?"

"Teacups!!" Trin yells drawing the attention of nearly everyone here

"Okay baby girl come on" I say

- We get on the ride-

" Whoooo haha" Trin says smiling hard

- I smile down at her-

'I would do anything to keep her happy' I think to myself

"What ride now baby?" 

- 10 rides later-

"Mommy I'm hungry" Trin says

"What do you want sweetheart?" I Say

"Pizza and lemonade" Trin says

" Hi. Can I get two slices of pizza and one lemonade?" I say

"Sure" the lady says and then smiles at trinity

- We get our food and go find a bench to sit at with an beautiful view of the fishes in the pond-

' We eat and laugh together'

- By now its night time-

"You ready to go baby girl?"  I say

"Yes mommy" Trin says with pure sleep in her eyes

- We are walking back to the car when I bump into a man dropping my purse-

"Omg I'm so sorry" I say getting my purse

"Its fine" Say a deep sexy voice

- I look up trying to see what he looks like but its to dark-

- He walks away so I turn and keep walking to my car-

[ We get into the car]

- There is one more place I want to take Trinity -

[ We finally get the under sea walls]

[ You ride you're car through a tunnel and you can see all the sea animals swimming on the walls of the tunnel in glass while you ride]

"Yay" A excited Trinity yells

-I ride until I see Trinty has fallen asleep-

[ Now I head on home]

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