Chapter 2

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After killing that behemoth demon, I was feeling hungry, because well let's just say demon killing takes a lot out of you. I fished around in my pocket to see if I had any left over money that I earned from helping a warlock. Luckily I had tons of money so I decided to go out to a restaurant. It's been a while since I've been in New York because I've been hunting the toughest demons in the US, but I still remember a few downworld and shadow world restaurants. I decided on going to the closest one near where I'm at which happened to be Taki's. While walking to the restaurant I ran into some old downworld friends known as Maia and Bat. We talked for a while until Maia asked me if I wanted to go to Jade Wolf for lunch. I said "I'm going to have to pass because I'm just about to go to Taki's." We parted ways and I walked into Taki's.

 I ordered one of the smoothies and 2 pancakes for lunch. Once I got my food I started to dig in. Halfway through my meal the door thing chimed and 4 Shadowhunters and a daylighter vampire walked in talking loudly. The vampire muttered "my band is playing tonight." To the redhead next to him. And she whispered to him " I know but I have to go with my mom for some wedding stuff. I might be late." The other three were talking about dead Shadowhunters drained of blood. Two of them had ink black colored hair, a boy and a girl, and the third had golden blond hair like me. They all squeezed into a booth and then ordered their meal. 

 The whole time they were there I felt like I was being watched. I looked at the booth that they were in and both the blond haired boy and the black haired boy were looking at me. Then I got a call, it was from Maia so I answered it but in a quiet and irritated voice I said " what do you want now Maia?" I looked around to see if anyone had heard and saw that the vampire boy had a nervous look on his face. Maia in return replied " well hello to you too, sorry for calling but I have to tell you that I have to help a friend whose best friend's mom is having a wedding and I don't want to be board so could you come?". Ugh why? Doesn't she know I hate weddings. " OK fine but you owe me." She then sent me the address of the dress shop.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2016 ⏰

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