Chapter 2

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After returning back to the Jeffersonian from lunch, Brennan went to Hodgins' portion of the lab to retrieve her evidence sample.

"Hey, um. How was lunch?" Hodgins stuttered for words.

"It was fine; rather pleasant actually. However, that is not what I came in here for." Brennan responded.

There was a brief moment of silence before she interrupted.

"The sample, Dr. Hodgins." She prompted.

"Oh yeah, right, right. The spectrometer showed the metal to be rusted aluminum. My guess was that it was from some sort of pot or pan. Old."

"Was your guess accurate?"

"Oh yeah, and it gets better. I checked the list of items found at the crime scene."


"They retrieved a rusty camping pan in the victim's kitchen."

"Where is it now?"

"On the way from evidence from the FBI office, I'll let you know when we get it."

"Thank you Dr. Hodgins." Brennan left her position beside Hodgins and moved towards the door.

"I will be in my office if reaching me is necessary."

With that, Brennan left Hodgins and went into her office where she noticed Angela sitting on her couch.

"Hi sweetie." Angela greeted, standing up to hug her.

Brennan accepted the gesture and hugged her best friend tightly, before letting her go.

"Did something happen?" Brennan questioned.

Angela gestured towards the other side of the couch, motioning for Brennan to sit beside her, as she sat down.

"I just wanted to see how you were. How are you? How are Hank and Christine?"

"Oh, I am well, and my children are fine. Christine is very much looking forward to you and Hodgins watching her and Hank this Saturday."

The two friends continued their conversation, until they heard a knock on the door indicating a visitor. Cam verified that indication, when she opened the door and walked in.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Cam spoke as she stepped towards them.

"You're fine," Angela replied.

"Well, that's good because I need to steal you away for a little while," motioning towards her. "We want to program the possible murder weapon into the Angelatron to see if it matches the bruising and indentions on the victim."

Angela nodded and stood up. She fixed the creases in her floral skirt, then put her hand on her friend's shoulder.

"I'll be back and we can talk more later." She directed toward Brennan.

Brennan smiled in response and watched Angela leave with Cam.

"Well that was odd," She thought to herself. "I wonder what she wanted to tell me."

She shrugged her shoulders, then walked towards her desk, and sat in her desk chair. Opening up her laptop, she smiled at the picture of Booth holding both of their beautiful children, looking at them with loving eyes.

How did this happen to her? She never would have imagined the thought of being married to her lover and having two kids with him. Those thoughts alone occupied her for a good while until she received a phone call. The number was blocked, but she answered it anyway.

"This is Doctor Temperance Brennan, may I ask who is calling?"

I finally updated! I know it's shorter, but I hope you like it!

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