After School: Hide And Seek Part 2 The Games Begin

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Sparta raised her hand. "I'll be it."

Zoro stared at her. "Seriously?"

She glared at him. "Why not? I'm not a freaking pussy!"

Luffy tilted his head to the side and then said, "I'll be it, too."

Now it was Sparta's turn to be surprised. "What? Really?"

Luffy shrugged and grinned. "Sure, I mean, it can't be THAT hard."

"Oh, it could be hard.", Zoro muttered, earning a sock in the stomache.

Sparta held her fist, one eye twitching. "You wanna say that again?"

(y/n) clapped her hands, giving a little jump. "Great! Now you two count to 60 and we'll hide!"

Sparta nodded and turned her back. Luffy did the same. Together, they started to count down. "1, 2, 3...."

Sanji looked at (y/n) and said, "Good luck." For the first time in forever, he didn't have hearts in his eyes or a goofy grin. He just smiled.

(y/n) smiled back and said, "You too!"

Before she can turn to hide, Zoro grabbed her arm. "Hey," he said, avoiding eye contact and blushing. "c-can I hide with you? I mean, Sparta is like really sneaky and....." He trailed off.

You smile. "Of course! Follow me." (y/n) grabbed Zoro's hand and raced into the park's forest.

Both Sanji and Luffy, who decided to peek, saw (y/n) run off with Zoro and had the same thought.

Let the games begin......


Okay! So the votes were:

Zoro: I

Sanji: I

Luffy: III

Lilly: I

Mona: I

Sparta: IIII

I would have made the dead lines bigger but that was the rules. If you guys want, I'll give it 2 weeks and if there is 6 votes to re-vote the seekers then I'll do it. This chapter will still be up even if everyone votes for differ chapter. Enjoy!!! :3
(Btw: If you are confused about why I have 4 votes and Mona has 1 but the comments didn't say it, it's because Mona in real life voted for me and her. Just in case you're confused.)




Zoro x Sanji x Luffy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now