Chapter 2

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The week passed by smoothly after that with nothing eventful happening. I finally decided to go to the mall with Deborah. So we went to the Port Harcourt mall.

"Uhhhh...which movie should we watch??" Deborah asked staring at me in a weird way.

"Which movie's new? So we'll join the trend"

"OMG!!!" Deborah screamed. "Maleficent is just about to start. Thank God we're here in time."

"Thought you said you didn't know what you were gonna watch"

"Shut up and get the tickets while I grab some popcorn and drinks."

"You are just...."

"Coke or sprite?" She popped her head back to me interrupting what I was about to say.

"Coke thank you. And NO diet please. I need the extra weight"

She rolled her eyes at me. "Humph! It's not like you're going to get any curves anyway. Oh well.."

Finally she's gone. What a bitch! I thought to myself. Couldn't she just nod her head without adding those last words. Now I was sure everyone looked at me strangely.

"Keep moving let's stay on the 6th or 7th row but please avoid that fat man"

That was Deborah again. We had managed to get our tickets and the popcorn and were just making our way to our seats.

"Finally!!" I sighed "All this hustle and bustle just to watch a movie"

"Well it'll be worth it in the end.......hopefully. Just shush"

I rolled my eyes at her and just decided to watch the movie in silence.

Two hours later

"The movie wasn't as hot as I had expected" I said while we walked to where we were going to have lunch.

"For once I agree with you. I would have said it was dumb, but some parts.....I really liked"

"Let's have pizza instead pleasseeee" I told her while I took a chair at a clean table.

She knew my obsession for pizza was so strong so she agreed and we got ourselves a medium sized chicken pizza.

While we ate, I kept looking at people just walking by when my eyes caught something at the table in front of ours. They were a pair of brown eyes. I swear I had just locked eyes with the cutest guy in the mall that day. He was light skinned, tall and.....yum. OMG! I had already started losing focus.

" what do you think?"

I blinked twice. I hadn't even realized Deborah had been talking.

" to Debbie." She kept snapping her fingers in front of me but I just couldn't concentrate. The guy kept staring and I kept staring back. It was so crazy. At a point I thought I was going to evaporate because his gaze was intense. You know that feeling you get when you think you've met your soul mate? Believe me that's exactly how and what I was feeling.

His gaze was so intense that I felt I was looking at an Alpha male. A guy who knew what he wanted and who got what he wanted. He looked arrogant but all I could see and smell was the confidence, pride and great self esteem coming out of him.

Deborah kept wondering if I had gone mad. Then she turned and caught a glimpse of Mr. Hunk himself.

Trust my best friend to be a fool when she gets the chance. She picked up a napkin and started fanning herself and me as well.

"Damnnnnnn.....what did I just see? Is he for real? Keep staring till he walks up to you."

When I looked up again, he was in deep conversation with a girl that looked like him so I was guessing that she was his sister.

Occasionally he would lift his eyes to meet mine and smile. Whenever he did that I would turn away feeling so shy. I had a feeling he was gonna come talk me but when he got up, his sister dragged him away quickly.

I don't know why but I was hurt. He didn't even drop his number or anything. It hurt more cuz I knew I was never seeing him again. I didn't even know his name so I could stalk him on facebook. Now he was gone leaving only the memory of his image in my head.

Deborah noticed my sad look and turned back before understanding why.

"Well that was quite a show.." She laughed but I was in no mood for jokes.

"Cmon cheer up. If he was meant for you, you'll meet him again. Its all up to fate and destiny now"

I smiled because I knew she was right.

"Well you have to admit he was amazingly handsome and not to mention tall." I told her dreamily.

I had this crazy thing for tall guys. Tall, light skinned dudes. I was no racist but such guys were a turn on for me.

The day passed by quickly. We did a little shopping and soon it was time to go home. She hugged me goodbye before she left and while I was leaving the building, I turned back one last time to see if I would catch a glimpse of my prince charming.......

.....but I didn't ....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2016 ⏰

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