Chapter 1 "Athena and the Outcast"

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Eliminating the unrealistic lifestyle was by far the hardest moment in my entire existence. I had to eliminate the things I knew would never happen. Such as, finding love again. It was manageably hard being the outcast in college. Nobody wanted to be by me because they were scared of me biting away at their flesh and making them a vampire like myself. Nobody was supposed to know who I really was until I was ready to tell everyone. Here's how it all started and ended...

Athenalovesyou has messaged you.

Showed up on my bright screen, nobody ever messaged me. I had been in one of my horniest encounter in awhile. Normally I'd meet up with a female to fuck their brains out and bite their flesh, but nobody has messaged me in weeks. Causing me to focus on my college work and not on this stupid app called RetroGush. I've never participated in such online dating and messaging until I was so desperate for feminine blood.

The hours of the night dawned and I dragged down the notification opening up the app.

Athenalovesyou: Hey, liking your profile...

ChrisBites: Why thank you Athena, if that is your name of course

Athenalovesyou: Sure is, middle name Rose

ChrisBites: My dog is named Athena

Athenalovesyou: Glad to know you're into bitches, I'm quite a handful

ChrisBites: And I'm willing to take on a challenge. A/S/L?

Athenalovesyou: I'm 18, I'm a female, and I live currently in Tampa Bay

ChrisBites: 18, you've got some fullness to be 18...

Athenalovesyou: My sisters and I just are blessed to be full chested :)

ChrisBites: Sends me right into ecstasy knowing this about you Athena, how many sisters do you have?

Athenalovesyou: Four, they're all older, do you have siblings

ChrisBites: No

Ahtenalovesyou: Oh

ChrisBites: What are their names? Aphrodite, Diana, Iris, and Nike?

Ahtenalovesyou: No, you've got a good sense of humor, tell me about yourself Chris

ChrisBites: I'm kind of an outcast, but I enjoy porn and reading

Athenalovesyou: So what, you just made this account on RetroGush to talk to girls who shared a common interest as you?

ChrisBites: If that's the case I'll pay for your subscription with PornHub :)

Athenalovesyou: I've got that covered

ChrisBites: I'm sure you do Athena

Athenalovesyou: So why did you make this account?

ChrisBites: Cause, I'm lonely and want to talk to someone. Well any women who will talk to me and aren't shy of also sending other stuff

Athenalovesyou: What other stuff are you referring to?

ChrisBites: Pictures, profile pictures aren't enough these days lol

Athenalovesyou: Is mine not enough for you?

ChrisBites: It is for now, but if we talk again it won't be

Athenalovesyou: I'll say the same for you and your profile

ChrisBites: I have class in the morning, goodnight

Athenalovesyou: Goodnight Chris, hope you sleep well

ChrisBites: I always do, and I love the dark

Athenalovesyou: Same here, I'm allergic to any sense of light like I'm some type of vampire, but really goodnight

ChrisBites: Goodnight

Athenalovesyou has logged off.

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