My first ever completed very, very, short story - Ghost

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Hey, writer speaking! So this is the first time I've ever decided to actually post something on Wattpad. Since it's not a story and just poems and other cool crap I wrote, I'm not expecting a whole bunch of reads. If ya do read this, than Thank You So Much! 

Eventually I plan on writing some real stories, but I thought I'd throw my "scrap book" out there first. Anyways, here's the first little story (emphasis on little), hope you enjoy!

-ICFCross ~*


I shivered as I stared at the large doors of my friend's house. I was out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by an army of trees. The wind whistled and toyed with my hair. The huge house in front of me seemed to sway with the wind. On one side of the house, the wood rotted with age. 

Sarah, my friend, walked up to the doors and inserted a key. She opened the door revealing the contents inside the house. Boxes were shoved up against the walls. The inside of the house looked just as old as the outside, but in a way, more ominous. 

Again, I shivered, not just from the feel of the wind biting my skin. 

A few days ago, Sarah had asked me to come stay with her at her grandparents old house. At first I had thought it was just some nonchalant request, but after I said I would go, Sarah told me why she wanted me to come. Apparently, the house was haunted, and she was too scared to go alone. Sarah had staid in the house with her brother a few nights before. While they were there, they heard strange noises and saw strange things, although Sarah never went into detail. 

Great. Just great.

So here I am, sleeping at a haunted house. How do I ever let myself get talked into these things? 

Sarah walked into the house, looking just as uncomfortable as I felt. Taking a deep breath, I slowly approached the door. As I stepped through the doorway, I felt as if the house itself were watching every move I made. Tingles were running up and down my spine.

"You know, Sarah, maybe we should just go back to your house," I said quickly. 

"Oh, come on, there's nothing to be worried about. The house is just old. Besides, I already tried to go home, but my parents told me that I needed to learn to be more independent," Sarah replied. 

Her voice was suspiciously unsteady. This whole thing had mainly started because Sarah was spoiled. She relied on her parents for everything. Her parents got fed up with it and decided to drop Sarah off at this house after school for a week. They picked her up every morning to take her back to school. Her older brother goes with her to keep an eye on her. I thought Sarah's parent's way of disciplining her was a little intense, but as an 8th grader who was soon to be a high schooler, Sarah needed to start making decisions. 

"Okay, if you say so." 

I took a deep breath, gathered up my courage, and followed Sarah farther into the house. She led me down a long hallway with corridors branching off in different directions. At the end of the hallway was a staircase, which we went up. About this point, I was growing increasingly nervous. Every step I took, drawing closer to Sarah's room, added to my unease. I knew it was a foolish fear, but couldn't shake the feeling I was being watched. When we reached the top of the stairs, we walked down another hallway. 

"This place is huge! I would so get lost in here," I said. 

"Yeah, I only know the way to my room and the kitchen. My brother knows every room and hallway in this house though."

"Huh, that's impressive!" 

Sarah just nodded her agreement and kept walking. I let out a breath of relief as I drew nearer to a room that was clearly Sarah's, with the entire frame of the door bedazzled. I sped up a bit, ready to get out of the too quiet hallway.

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