Chapter 3

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Harry Styles

"Harry" she whispered
I look up at her my visions clouded with tears and to the point, I know... I know what I am feeling. And I know what she is to me.
She is my Light. She keeps me from going insane. she makes me Sane.
"C'mere" she whispered and hug me tight.
I choke a sob. Shit.
"Its OK to cry Harry, just let it all out. I'm here , you can cry on me, you can rely on me." She said to my ears.
I took a deep breath and exhale it. Looking at her once again.
"I-i.." I sttutered
My minds not processing.
"Shhhh.... Calm down first. Then you can tell later yeah? I will listen." She said
I nod at her
Am I falling? Maybe. Or am I just happy cause she's here? Maybe the latter, but I prefer the first.
After 5 mins. Of sobbing, hiccups, and shallow breaths I finally calm down. God, I'm such a cry baby.
She let go of me and I wish she didn't.
We stare at each other. Her green eyes looking sad, and full of concern while mine, oh probably red from crying the shit outta them.
"I ... I" I stuttered again.
"Look if your not ready. Its OK. Don't push yourself OK?" She calmed me.
I know but,,,
I shook my head no
And took a deep breath
She leaned in and hold my hands , we stare at each others eyes before finally found the courage to speak
" this place is my Haven. This is where I go when I'm... Sad , broken or angry. I bring a knife with me because I need it to do those..." I stopped speaking and point to the carved words
Then continue
" when ... When I was 6 years old my mum started being so uhmm... Strict I don't know why. But then Gemma would tell me that it was nothing. mum wouldn't let me out of the house she don't want me to go and meet friends. She just , lock me up inside my room. You know I never got the chance of knowing let alone seeing my dad. Mum said he died when I was born in a car accident. She said dad left me his only one gift for me , and that was the Audi. When I turned 13 mum enrolled me in a highschool in our own town back in Cheshire ,England then I learned how to take photos that's why I'm a photographer now. And when I was 14 we had an arrangement that we would move here in LA.
Everything went upside down since then. Mum would be angry whenever I go out without her consent. She would be yelling , calling me names and throw things at me. At first I didn't mind cause Gemma would say that mum only has a lot of problems. I shut up even though I wasn't satisfied. One night I came home late but I had reasons yet mum didn't listen she did what she always do to me I ... I was going to shut up that time Avery but mum said one sentence that.... Made me cry, broke me, and send me in this place...." I trailed off and tears started to fall
I wipe them off quickly
Avery whispered my name and push the curls that stick to my forehead because of sweat
I continue
"She said that ... "Your a big mistake Harry, I don't love you." I ... Because ... Of that... I ran out of the house and run without any destination I heard Gemma shouted after me but I didn't dare looking back" I finished and flashbacks are present again
"Your a big mistake Harry. I don't love you.' Mum said breathed was taken away from me. She's joking isn't  she? Oh no who am I kidding? She's saying the truth
I felt my heart broke , why mum? Why?
I turn towards the door and bolted out , it was dark outside and rain started to fall. Wow how so ironic.
I heard Gemma shouted calling after me to stopped running. But I didn't listen . I was so broken. My mum hates me , she never loved me. And I think I should hate her but I can't. After all my brain reminds me that she's my mother. But still I ran , until I saw tall trees. I enter into the woods and found a place. Its so beautiful even though its dark , moon illuminates it , I don't know how that happened , it was raining yet the moon shines brightly.
I found the tree house and climbed . I cried my self there. And fell asleep.  I fell asleep broken, hurt, and lost. I thought that no one would ever love me. Cause I'm just a mistake."
I told Avery about the flash back and about how I found a carving at the ceiling of the roof top.
Saying "I miss my baby boy ,Harry Styles- Dad"
Then I knew that dad know this place. This might be his.
Since then I made this place my haven and marked it as mine.
Since no one knows it beside from me , dad and Avery.
"Harry. I'm so sorry" she softly said and hugged me
"Shh its OK. That wasn't your fault" I told her
When she faced me her eyes were red and puffy , she cried.
"Do you mind if ask uhmm questions?" She asked me , hope fills her eyes.
"No I won't ." I told her and smiled  a little
"Now, does your mum loves you? Has she changed?" She asked me
I smile a real smile and nod
"Yes. She do. She said she was sorry. She did everything she never did to me when I was younger.
And she even taught things about love. Though I never told anyone about this place and about dad. Not until you" I said and her eyes lit up
"You had a terrible child hood and yet here you are , strong, a man, and is succesfull. I'm proud of you Harry" she said
Then I didn't know what happened but I just get to...... Kiss her.
She was shocked . but kiss back.
We pulled away and our forehead touched.
I look at her eyes
"Be my girlfreind Avery Vounne McVey?" I ask
Please say.....
"Yes! Yes! Harry" she squealed
I smiled a toothy smile and kiss her again.
This is definitely the happiest day of my life.
Finally , I have found you Avery . the love of my life and ...
"I won't leave you Ave. I love you" I said
She smiled and said
"I won't leave you too Harry. And I do love you so much " she exclaimed the word 'much'
We laugh and hug each other
Then she stood up , pick the knife that was sitting on the floor and started carving
I waited until she finished
And I was astonished! She's great!
The carving said
"A & H. Always and forever" with a heart
Damn she's artistic
She smiled at me and I peck her lips
I took the knife from her and started carving too just beside the words that she carved
It said
"Won't stop till we surrender"
She laugh and I pull her in for a kiss.
We sealed it with a kiss.

This. Is. Life.
I thought to myself.
I love you Avery, I really do .
"I love you" she said
"I love you" I said it back
We were content and happy
But I know , I know for a fact that this is just the beginning , we dealt our cards and Fate did too.
I hope she's not gonna let go , cause this would be a long road.

"Hold my hand , don't let it go , and we'll go through it ,together." I whispered to her ear
"I won't let you go. Never." Avery said

I hope so Ave, I hope so.
Hi. Was it too early for Harry opening up? Was it too early for them being together?

Yeah I know that this is too short for your liking but ehhh .... I'm too tired  and I tried writing
So thank you all!
All the love.H


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