Someone you wish you could meet

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Dear Grandparents,

I never got to meet my dad’s parents. They left this world before I came into it. Grandmom if that is what I would even call you, you left the world when my dad was only 16. You had breast cancer and it took your life. I wish I could have met you. You look like such a fragile beautiful woman. I sometimes wonder how my father would have turned out if you hadn’t died when he was so young. Grandmom what were you like? Funny, sarcastic, gentle, I could see you being all those things even sarcastic, but I also see you as a very quiet woman. I have seen how my dad talks about you. He loved you very much. The only time I have ever really see my father cry is when he talks about you. My mom I know you never met her but she would tell me stories about him as a kid. She said that when my dad got home from work if the light was on it meant you were still around, but if it wasn’t it means you were now an angel. I couldn’t imagine losing my mom so young or ever and having to hope everyday you’d still be alive. When you passed away you because my first guardian angel. Even though you never got to meet me I know you still look over me every day. I wish I could have met you Grandmom, but I know you’ll always be up there looking over me.

Grandpop, who knows if that is what I would have even called you too. You left this world shortly after my brother was born. You got very sick and it took you out of our lives in the blink of an eye. I kind of look like you Grandpop. I have that Giovanetti nose, and I would never ask for a new one. When I look at you in pictures you looked like a big strong man. Maybe a little strict, but a lot of dads are. You got to meet my brother Grandpop, that’s something I will never get to do until I see you one day. I wonder if I would have been one of your little girls. What would you have thought of me? I think about what I would have called you. What would you have called me? You lost Grandmom and I’m sure that hurt a lot. Then you married another woman, but dad and my aunt and uncle didn’t like her. To be honest I wouldn’t have either. Wanna know why? Because you were meant for my Grandmom, and I wouldn’t like to see you with anyone else. When you passed you became my second angel. You watch over me too I know it even though you never got to meet me. When you died Grandpop you left this earth abruptly, but I think that just means Grandmom missed you and wanted her up there with you. You finally got to go back to your true love. I wish I got to meet you Grandpop to see what you are like, but I have two wonderful people watching over me now.

Poppop, I actually did get to meet you for the first two years of my life. You and mommom were the only grandparents I had when I was born. Mom tells me stories about the day I was born and how you wanted mommom to take you to the hospital but she had to watch Zac and you were in your wheelchair. Poppop I wish I could have known you longer. My mom said that you really liked me because I would undo your shoes all the time and you thought it was funny. I wish I could remember you. All I ever get to hear are stories, but I wish I could remember. I see what you look like. You look like a strong man also. The women in our family know how to pick good looking men. My mom misses you a lot Poppop. She cries when she thinks about you. We cry when we visit you. When you died I was only left with one grandparent. She is the most amazing grandparent I could ever ask for. A lot of kids are blessed and still have all of their grandparents. I didn’t get so lucky. But I do have 3 amazing angels looking down on me. I hope you see me writing this, and know how much I miss you and how much I love you; even though I only knew you for a couple short years. Poppop I wish you didn’t have to leave so early. I wish I could still sit on your lap and un-velcro your shoes. Mommom never met another man like you. You were her one and only, and I know she misses you very much. I never get scared when odd things in our house happen because I know it’s just you moving around.

I can’t wait to meet you Grandmom and Grandpop one day, and I can’t wait to see you again Poppop. Until that day comes I know you guys will be looking down on me, and making sure my life goes according to plan. I love you all.

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