t h r e e

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When the movie ended, they left the movie theater. Alya talked about the movie with Nino as Marinette and Adrien walk beside each other. She stares at the ground nervously as he smirks, seeing her flustered.

"How'd you like the movie, Mari?" He asked.

"I-It was c-c-cool," She said simply. He watched as she blushed uncontrollably.

"Hey Marinette, is it okay if Nino walks me home?" Alya asked and winked, unnoticed by Nino.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow!" Mari said waving at the couple as they walked away. She turned and faced Adrien.

"I can walk you home." He said smiling. Marinette blushed.

"N-no, you d-d-don't have to-"

"Ah, but I insist," He said with a bow. He regained his posture and smiles at the blushing bluenette.

"O-o-okay, i-if you w-want to.." She looked down, twirling her hair. They start walking in the direction of her house. She accidently bumps her hand into his multiple times, and quickly retracts it. 'Is she intimidated by me? Do i scare her?' His thoughts race through his mind as he stares at the girl.

When they get to the bakery, Adrien took her hand and whispered, "I'll see you tomorrow, Mari." He kissed her cheek before walking away, grinning. Marinette, on the other hand, was freaking out. Her whole face turned crimson as she slowly walks inside the bakery. Her mother smiles when she comes inside.

"Hello honey, how was school?" Sabine asks. Marinette stays silent. She frowns. "Whats wrong?"

"A-A-Adrien... K-k..." She stutters. Sabine smiles at the blushing girl.

"Adrien.. Kissed you?" She asked. Marinette slowly nodded as she points to her cheek. Sabine giggles before walking away. Mari walks up the stairs to her bedroom and flops down on her bed. Tikki emerges from her bag and smirks.

"Marinette, you look like a firetruck." Tikki said laughing. Marinette covers her face.

"Tikki... He kissed my cheek! I'm freaking out!" She said waving her arms around. Tikki sighs and bites into a cookie before sitting down, listening to her rant.

Midnight comes and Marinette cannot sleep. She still thinks about the kiss while snuggling her cat plush. Suddenly she hears a 'tap tap tap' on her window. She looks over to see a Chat Noir sitting behind the glass. She lazily stood up and opened the window.

"Chat Noir," She raised an eyebrow and smirked. "What in the name of miraculous are you doing here?"

"Can't a kitty see his princess?" He asked leaning closer. She blushed slightly.

"Well I hope you had fun because its late." She said turning away and sitting on her bed. He itched to hold her in his arms; She'd be so close. Marinette saw his fixed expression and smiles.

"Chat," She said opening the blankets on her bed. "Would you like to join me?" Immediately he tackled her onto the bed. He wraps his arms around her waist and closes his eyes. Marinette glowed red and smiled. They both fell asleep seconds later.

"-drien! Adrien wake up!" Adrien woke to the black kwami poking him and whisper-screaming.

"Wha.. P-Plagg?" He asked half asleep. Plagg rolled his eyes.

"You fell asleep! C'mon, we need to go; it's 4:00 in the morning!" His eyes shot open as he looked back at the peaceful Marinette, sleeping soundly. He smiled as he placed a soft kiss on her forehead before carefully stood from the bed.

"Plagg, transform!" He whispered. Plagg got sucked into his ring. After they transformed, Chat grabbed a pen from her desk and wrote on a piece of paper.

*beep beep beep bee-* Marinette slammed the mute button on her alarm and rubbed her eyes. She rolled over to see a smiling Tikki. Tikki saw Adrien detransform, and saw Plagg talk to him. But, she won't tell Marinette that. She wants her to find out on her own.

"Good morning Mari," She said smugly as she held up a note. "Chat left this for you." Marinette took the note from her hands.

"I'll read it when I get to school." She said as she put the slice of paper in her pocket.

"Hey girl!" Alya said as Marinette walked up to her. She smiled as she clutched her pocket, anxious to read the note. They walked inside the school, arms connected. Chloe looks at them and laughs.

"Awe, isn't it the two most lame people on the planet. Oh look! They're friends! What a perfect match!" She said cackling. Alya scowled, unlinking her arm from Marinette's.

"Shut up Chloe!" Alya shouted. Marinette took a step back only to bump into Adrien.

"S-sorry!" She muttered. Adrien smiled.

"Its okay Mari-" Just before he could finish his sentence Chloe ran up and hugged him.

"Adrikins! I'm so happy you're here!" She said breathlessly. Alya rolled her eyes as Adrien pulled her away.

"These two ..ugh.. weirdos are being ever so rude," She said. Alya balled her fists.

"What!? You're the one being rude Chloe!" She said angered.

"Well, if you weren't so dumb all the time i wouldn't have called you lame." she said before sticking her tounge out at Alya before walking away, Sabrina stumbling behind her. Alya crossed her arms, visibly pissed. Marinette stood by Alya, upset as well.

"Don't listen to her," Adrien told them. They all smiled as the bell rang. They walked inside the classroom and took their seats. Marinette took out the note she folded into her pocket as Alya talked to her about the latest news about Ladybug. Adrien looked over his shoulder and saw her unfold the note; he quickly turned away and blushed. When Alya saw Nino walk into the classroom she smiled. When he sat down in front of her they started fangirling about ladybug. Marinette started to read the note:

'Dear princess, I really enjoyed last night. I know this sounds weird but.. You felt warm, comforting. It felt right when I held you. I hope we can do that again!

Love, Your silly kitty 😸'

Marinette blushed hard and stared at the paper in front of her.


"Wow what?" Asked Adrien as he turned around to face her.

"Oh I-Uh N-Nothing!" She said as she closed the note. He smirked at her, knowing she read the note.

'Oh Marinette," He thought as he looked at her lovingly.

'You have no idea.'


Okay that sucked xD sorry for taking so long to update.. I wanted to make this chapter longer coz all my other chapters were short af! So yeah see ya when I update again! ❤❤💕

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