Confusion & Complications

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"Beep, beep"

It is so quiet that this is the only sound that I can hear. I try to open my eyes but my lids are heavy as if I have been under something and sleeping for far too long. Which doesn't make any sense because just few hours ago I was dancing with Max at the club letting all of my stress out.


The music was loud and energetic and I was dancing like no one was watching. The numerous seven and seven's that I had already probably added to this feeling of carelessness. Max was so right, I needed this.

"Where is Max?" I wonder out loud as I look around and I can't see him anywhere. The beat of the music changes again and all thoughts of my missing Max are dismissed. My body moved with each and every beat my body moved flawlessly with those around me and the mixture of adrenaline and sweat adding to my rush. Then I feel myself being pulled from the crowd. I look up to meet Max's worry filled eyes,

"Where have you been girl? I have been looking everywhere for you."

"I am taking your advice, I'm dancing and having fun!" I yell in excitement which is echoed by those around us.

"Yeah I told you to have fun, not go out and dance with guys like some kind of cheap stripper!" Max replies sternly becoming agitated. I probably take more offense to that comment than I should have,

"now look who doesn't know how to have fun and is being the stick in the mud!" my words are extremely slurred at this point. "When you decide that you want to be fun again you can come and find me on the dance floor!"

I rip my hand out of Max's grasp and I stumble back to the dance floor. His voice calling my name soon becomes drowned out by the heavy drum beats of the music. As I make my way around the floor I start to feel dizzy and decide to take a seat at the bar ordering another seven and seven. I look around trying to find Max and as I am looking a pair of beautiful silver grey eyes lock onto mine. He steps out of the darkened part of the bar and my breath catches in my throat. This man is nothing like the guys I have seen in our small town before. He is about six feet tall and has curly, dirty blonde hair. He has a strong chiselled jaw and I can see from the very tight black t-shirt that he is wearing that he is well toned with strong shoulders. He is so new and different for me that I have to look away or I know I will become completely engulfed in his exotic features.

This ides is soon forgotten as I feel a strong presence beside me. I look up from my drink and I am once again met by those silver eyes. He says nothing as he holds his hand out to me and gestures towards the dance floor. All exhaustion and dizziness is gone and I find myself getting off of my stool and letting him lead me to the middle of the dance floor. I see him nod to the DJ and the music goes from the energetic drum beats to a slow and sultry melody, the lights dim and he pulls me towards him and without hesitation I begin to move with him. He runs his hands up and down my arms, starting out slowly as if asking me for permission. I pull my body closer to his, if that was even possible, giving him the permission he required. Soon not only were his hands exploring every inch of my body that wasn't covered by my dress, but I find his lips exploring my neck, shoulders, anywhere he could. As he continues I find myself becoming completely intoxicated by him, our bodies move in complete synchronicity. Nothing else matters but his touch and his body moving with mine. He runs his hands up my arms and he places a light kiss on my shoulder and a small moan slips through my lips and I can feel his coy and cocky smile. He moves away from me and I try and fight the whimper of protest but with no luck. His deep chuckle resonates and excites new things in me. Then before I know what is happening my entire body becomes numb, my eyesight blurs and my mouth is instantly dry.

"Wha-what's happening?" are the only words that I am able to get out.

"Shhh, don't fight the burning just let yourself succumb to it, like you did to me" the mysterious man whispers in my ear. He lifts me up and lays me on one of the couches in the darkened part of the bar. This is the last thing I remember before my world went black.


I intake a sharp breath as I come out of my thoughts my entire body numb. I decide to try opening my eyes again and this time I succeed only to be blinded by extremely bright lights. When my eyes finally adjust to the light I look around and see nothing but white walls and dusty windows. I must be in a hospital, but where is my family and Max? I try to slowly move my arms up to block some of the brightness but for some reason they will not move. I look down and see that my arms, legs and torso are bound to the bed by thick leather straps. I try raising my limbs again and succeed in breaking one of the aged leather straps. I undo the straps around my other wrist, my torso and slowly sit up in my bed and slowly lower myself to the floor. My legs give out on me from what feels like the lack of use and I catch myself on the rail of the bed; this only adds to my confusing. After a few minutes I slowly make my way towards the door of my room and I reach for the handle. I let out a scream and my breath catches in my throat when I see my hands. They are extremely discoloured with a grey tinge to them and my nails are broken and chipped with a mysterious substance caked underneath them. After a few minutes I regain my composure and search for something to wear eventually finding a housecoat. When I fully recover from the initial shock I decide I need to go and find someone, anyone.

I regret this decision almost instantly when I open my door. There are lifeless bodies everywhere and the walls are covered in a red substance that I assume is blood. Some of the bodies are missing various limbs, others have little to no face left but the worst ones are those that have their stomachs ripped open with their intestines pouring out and the intestines are in different degrees of destruction. As I try to continue to walk down the hall I find that I am losing the ability to breathe let alone walk. I stumble to the ground and crawl my way to the nurse's station and I rest my back against it. I almost scream again when I look over too see a faceless body beside me. I push myself away from the body trying to make sense of what the hell is going on. Was there some kind of wild animal attack? Or did some deranged murderer finally find our small peaceful town and decided to liven things up.

My thought process ends abruptly as I hear a loud crash followed by yelling, growling and then two gunshots. I quickly crawl underneath the nurse's station and keep as quiet as I can when I hear heavy footsteps coming towards me and then they stop. I don't dare breath scared that if I startle the person that I'll be the recipient of the next bullet.

"Boss watch your back!" a voice calls. There is a loud animal like growl and the crashing of bedpans.

"Shit! Get this mother-fucker off of me!" there is a deep growl and the sound of cloth being shredded

"Come on shoot it!" I hear an extremely familiar voice yell above the growling.

"I can't get a good shot!" I hear the first voice say. There is more struggling and crashing of metal before another loud gunshot rings out.

"Damn that asshole was a tough one! Is it me or are they getting harder to kill?" I hear a low growl and then another gunshot. "See what I mean apparently with these ones, two to the head kills" I hear the second voice say.

It takes a minute to register and then I realize that this voice belongs to Max. I am relieved and then I hear Max's footsteps falling away. I start to make my way out from behind the counter stopping just short of the edge as to stay hidden in case I am mistaken.

"Max is that you?" There is no reply for a minute,

"Trixie?" Max replies and his steps get closer to the desk. I crawl all the way out from behind the counter and stand up. Max's eyes become dark and he raises his gun pointing it at my head.

"Max what are you doing?" "Why are pointing your gun at me?" my relief quickly turns to confusion. He looks at me with sad and weary eyes and I see tears forming in his eyes.


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