Chapter 1: Greetings and Grudges

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Hey Guys, just so you don't get confused, this is a multi-cultural school (with all types of people from all over the world). Cason is a half-cast and Kateri is black, okay? And listen to the music as you read the book. Enjoy! :)

Seeing as it was a Friday, and a warm sunny afternoon at that, it was kind of heard paying attention to the exam I was currently doing. A warm breeze whipped through my hair and I daydreamed of a cool soda and a day on the beach. 

My dreams shattered as my Math teacher, Mr. Morrison announced there were still twenty minutes remaining and that we should check our papers for mistakes because we wouldn't want to fail when our parents were paying all that money for our education and putting it to waste would disappoint them.....bored already? Skipped that part? I thought so. I have to listen to that speech almost everyday from each and every teacher in the school.                                                                                                                                                                   

 I zoned out and looked around my class. Almost everyone was asleep and those few who weren't were either failing the paper or making sure they had passed it. The dimwits and the Brainiacs. That was the problem. There was only room for the stupid and the bright, the poor and the rich, the good and the bad. There is just no room for people in the middle. To bad I fell in that category.                         

The bell rang and everyone rushed out of the class, a mix of races and cultures. My best friend, also in this sea of people came up to me wearing this stupid smile on his face. A very beautiful face, if I must say so, compared to my features. Not to sound cliche, but if you asked any girl around in school, they would probably agree with me that he was the hottest dude they had ever laid their sorry eyes on . 

That was a fact and Cason Roberts knew it. He knew it and he used his pretty boy face like a lash against unsuspecting little girls. His eyes (blue green eyes that turned stormy whenever he was angry) were used to mesmerize the girl like a bird caught in the glare of a snake (yes I know, I am using a twilight reference), his hair used to draw attention to his face, and his muscles used to draw attention to his body which again drew attention to his face...It was just one big damned circle.     

I sighed. I sighed for the hopelessness of our generation and for the general downfall of our world for I really did not know what our world had come to. The only thing that mattered to seven year olds were mindless games. The only thing that mattered to teenagers was if they were dating a hot person and the only thing that mattered to old people was comparing our uselessness to themselves from the lines along 'When I was your age,  I used to carry my suitcase and mattress on my head and walk 80 kilometres just so I  could get to school. As for you..."

Kace caught up with me and threw his arm over my shoulder. I was very tall for a girl. In fact I was taller than a lot of guys in school. Kace and I had this analogy that if I ever married someone, emphasis on the word ever, it would some short cast off undesirable guy who has had his heart broken a million times for just that: his shortness. But compared with Kace, I felt significantly smaller than I really was. 

"Hey there, pretty girl," he said. I shrugged his arm off me.                                                                                       

"What do you want?" I asked, rather rudely. Kace only called me pretty when he wanted something from me and I was already pissed from having to sit through a math test on a Friday afternoon. I opened my bag, took out a bottle of water and waited for him to start talking.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2017 ⏰

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