Chapter 14: The Story is only beginning

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*clears throat* Six months later.

**Aj POV**

"Please help us introduce our contest champions!" The announcer cheered. "Violet and Aj!" We walked down the catwalk towards the stage, her arm linked with mine. I was wearing a classic black tuxedo and tie while Violet wore a long purple dress with her long hair blown flowing down her back.

Everyone cheered for us as we walked towards the stage, with our main Pokemon beside us. Swampert walked beside me and Delphox beside Violet waving her hand, loving all the praise.

"Swampert hydro pump!" I pointed at the sky over the center stage. Swampert blasted tons of water towards the area that I pointed at.

"Sunny day Delphox!" Violet smiled and pointed at the hydro pump. Delphox spun around before pulling out her stick and shot a ball of solar energy at the hydro pump. The two moves collided and exploded making a big rainbow.

"There we have it ladies and gentlemen! The perfect combo of sun and rain!" The perky lady announced. "They never fail to amaze us with beautiful solar aquatic combos!" We bow down and smile. I looked up to see Natalie and officer Jenny running down the stands and jumping into the stage.

"Where's the fire?" I asked, still smiling and about to get ready for our next move. Natalie hugged me as officer Jenny ran to the announcer lady and asked for the microphone.

"Is there something wrong?" Violet asked Natalie. We all turned to officer Jenny.

"This contest will be cut short and will be continued tomorrow." She stated with a clear voice. The audience looked disappointed and awed in sadness." We need the assistance of the contest champions for an important task." Violet and I turned to Natalie.

"It's about Nathan." She told us. We both looked at her in confusion. We haven't seen Nathan in six months, after he up and left without a word.

"What about him? Did you find out something?" Violet asked her.

"We have his location!" My heart beat stopped. I've heard of people seeing a strange shadow that looked like him breaking and entering in poké marts all over Hoenn. After he left the group, I've heard rumors of him destroying buildings and sneaking into the poké lab research center.

"What, but how?" Violet asked. I looked at Swampert, who looked at me with a worried expression on his face.

"I don't know, but they say he's at the old sky pillar." I looked at my shoes and closed my eyes. ' I gotta find out what happened while he was gone! '

"Let's go." I clearly spoke as I looked up at them. "Now." I didn't even wait for a response, I began to walk to the exit with Swampert following me. I threw off the tuxedo and had my regular close underneath, a tight black shirt with skinny blue jeans. When I got out a helicopter was waiting for us. "Return." I returned Swampert as I got in the helicopter.

"Sorry we had to interrupt your performance, AJ." Officer Jenny said as she joined me.

"I get it, it's important. Thank you for coming to us as soon as you got the news." I told her.

"Others will join us there."


"We hear he is a very strong trainer and we need to be ready."

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