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I got into my car after I collected my things and drive to the twins school. I parked and walked to front of the building.

"Sissy!" They yelled running over to me. I smiled and hugged them, I walked back to my car and buckled them in their buster seats. I got in the drivers side and drove home.

I got them out of the car and we went inside. They settled down in the living room with their homework. I got to work into cleaning the house. I used my new found speed to clean up and was done in seconds.

I helped the twins with their homework then I put the TV on and we watched it. The front door opened and Luke came in with his best friend, Mason. I looked over at them and Mason just looked at me as they passed by.

"Dude, your sister looks different" I heard Mason say.

"I don't care" he said back and I heard Luke's bedroom door close.

"Why aren't you doing anything?" I heard Kendal ask. I didn't look at her.

"I'm done with it" I said.

"I don't care, your not allowed to watch TV" she said.

"How come?" I asked.

"Don't ask me questions!" She said sternly. I looked at her and shrugged turning back to the TV.

"Then I don't care" I said.

"Layla, Readon come on" Kendal said grabbing them roughly and dragging them from the TV.

"Leave them alone!" I said loudly.

"Don't tell me how to handle my kids!" She yelled. I grabbed Layla and Readon around their waist and pulled them away from Kendal effortlessly.

"Someone should, because your a terrible parent you and Zeith" I said. She screwed up her face in anger and went to the kitchen grabbing the wooden spoon. I just laughed.

"That's not going to do a thing" I said. She raised her hand and slammed the spoon on my arm. Instead of injuring me the spoon broke.

"What the.." She mumbled.

"Maybe you hit me wrong" I suggested. "Try again" I said and she gave me look that said 'your insane'.

"Now tell me, why abuse me? Why use me as a servant? Why me?" I asked.

"Because you were a mistake!" She yelled.

"What's going on?" Luke asked. I turned my head to look at him and Mason.

"Nothing go back to your room and take your sisters" Kendal said.

"Okay" he said telling mason to get Layla and Readon. He came over to me grabbed my arm and started up the stairs.

"Luke. What are you doing?" Kendal asked.

"You told me to take my sisters upstairs and that's what I'm doing" he said and we went to his room. I've never been in his room before.

"Are you okay?" Luke asked looking at me.

"Me?" J asked confused.

"Of course you" he said. I gave him a stern look.

"Don't pretend to care about me just because your friend is here" I said and left. I went into my room and tugged on my hair. I can't stand it here.

"You doing okay?" I turned to look at my door. Mason stood there, he's always been nice to me.

"I'll be alright"  I said and sat on my bed.

"If you ever need to talk, text me" he said and handed me his number. He left the room and I sighed. I don't have a phone. But I could get one.. No, I won't steal that's wrong, I'll get a job and buy one.

I got up and left the house going to town. I went inside the mall looking at stores I may be interested in working at. I sighed going to books an noble. I went to one of the computers and searched the store pays in the mall. The highest payers are hot topic, Victoria secret, Spencer's and the small burger king in the food court.

After I wrote those stores down I got up and walked out. I went to hot topic and asked if they were in need of some help. They said they did and I filled out an application. I turned it in but also explained how I don't have a phone so I'll stop by to check in. The lady got her manager and he said I could have an interview right now. I agreed so I'm now sitting in his office answering his questions.

"When will you be able to work?" He asked.

"I can come in before school and after. If I do after school I'll be available at anytime after 3:45 and I'm good till closing" I answered.

"We open at 6am when does your school start? And what days would you mostly be available?"

"School starts at 9:45. I'm available everyday, and if something were to ever come up I will certainly let you know" I said. He sent me a smile.

"How soon can you start?" He asked.

"As soon as you need me too" I responded.

"Great, you have the job. You start tomorrow at 5pm. You have to wear jeans and here's your work shirt. You will get your name tag tomorrow" he said handing me my work shirt. In the right corner it said Hot Topic.

"Thank you so much, you won't regret this I promise" I reassured.

"I surely hope not" he said. We said our goodbyes and I left.

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