Chapter 4 (New Life, Perhaps?)

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   Just knowing Jackson could have created something to cure my AIDS is huge. This could help me get my life back on track. Hell it can give me a whole new life and that's exactly what I need. I needed to get out the house for a minute so I went to Brit's shop. I completely stopped talking to everybody after finding out what Keenan and Q did to me. When I walked in, I saw Brit fitting somebody. I'll be with you in one second, Brit said. I don't think she notice it's me. How can I help you? Crystal? Hey! I didn't even notice it was you, how you been? I been ok, what about you? I been good, just working mostly. I thought something happened to you, Brit said. Why you say that? I haven't heard from you; I been trying to call you for months. I been going through a lot. I know that's why I been trying to call you. Yeah, things been a little rough for me but im getting through it. I actually met this guy who said he knew you. Who? His name is Terrell, he a police officer. How you meet him? A few months ago, he came here looking for you. Really? Yeah, he said he haven't heard from you and he wanted to see have I talked to you. How he knows we know each other? He said you had a lot going on and he followed you here one time. What? Yeah, he said he was trying to protect you and make sure you were safe. He didn't get into any details or nothing. In a way, I was shocked Terrell went through all of that to get in touch with me. That just let me know he really cares about me. So what you been up to lately, I asked? Just working and enjoying my new friend. Tell me more, I said. Well it's a guy and his name is Keenan.

WHAT THE FUCK! Keenan? Yeah he so sweet, I never met a guy like him before. Really, tell me more about him. I don't know too much about him yet. We only been talking for like 3 months now. We don't get to see each other that much, with me working and traveling. So far he seems like a good guy but I know how looks can be deceiving. In my head I was tripping. Like I wanna tell her I know him but this actually can be helpful for me. I may can use this to my advantage and do a little damage control. How you meet him? I was at a party, he approached me, we hit it off real good, and we been talking since then. You seem like you really like him. I wouldn't say all that but im feeling him. I haven't dealt with a guy in a long time so im just seeing where it goes. Have y'all fucked yet? Not yet but I definitely want to. Y'all been talking 3 months and haven't fucked yet? I want to but he wants to take it slow. Why? He said he made a lot of mistakes in his past and he don't wanna make the same mistakes moving forward. What kind of mistakes? He didn't tell me but I can tell whatever it was he fucked him up. Yeah I can see now, this is going to work out in my favor nice. I hope everything works out for y'all. I'm excited to see where it goes, Brit said. I have to go; it was good seeing you. I'm glad you stopped by, we have to hang out again soon. Of course, I need to do some shopping in here. You know I got you, Brit said. I couldn't believe Brit messing with Keenan. Like she just don't know what she getting herself into. I had to tell somebody this so I called Jordan over.

Hey boo! Hey! You said you had something juicy to tell me, Jordan. You remember the girl I fooled around with last year? Yeah Brit right? Yeah, so I stopped by her shop to catch up with her. Tell me why she told me she seeing this guy name Keenan. Oh lord! Did you tell her you knew him? Nope, I just let her talk. From what she told me, it sounds like this a brand new Keenan. They been talking for like 3 months and they haven't fucked yet. What? Yes, she said he said he made a lot of mistakes in the past and he don't wanna make the same mistakes moving forward. Yeah right, that nigga ain't changed. This could be helpful to me, I said. Oh lord, what you got planned? Nothing yet but I can do some serious damage control. You really could girl. You gotta stay close to her and get all the information you can get. Trust me, im already working on it. She just don't know her life over with. Mane, she might as well jump off a bridge. Nothing good comes from fucking with Keenan. She'll see that sooner or later. I hate to see how bad he about to fuck this girl life up. She'll never wanna fuck with a man again after dealing with him. Enough about this, I got some exciting news last night. What? I met with my doctor and he told me he created a cure for AIDS. That's amazing, you know what this means? Yes I could start a new life. He not sure if it will completely cure AIDS but it will give people a few more years. That's great, some people would appreciate getting a few more years. I told him I would think on letting him try it on me. What's to think about? This man may be able to give you a new life. I don't see what's to think about. Even if he can't cure it, he still in a position to give you a few more years to live. I'm sure it's people who would love to have this opportunity. You should give me a call and tell him you down for it. Jordan was right, what do I have to lose? I'll meet with him tomorrow.

I was still on the fact Brit messing with Keenan. I'm not mad or anything, I don't have a reason to be. I just know he about to fuck her life up. I could do the right thing and kind of destroy this little thing they got going on before it gets too far. I know it's none of my business but I know ill be doing the right thing. I'll bring it up to Dr.Franklin and see what he thinks about it. I kept thinking about the fact Jackson could give me a new life. I'm just thinking about how great this could be for me. No more medicine, no more treatments, no more sadness, and I can finally get some real dick. That's the best part of all of this. No more fucking a dildo for me. I couldn't wait until tomorrow so I went to Jackson's office. Hey Stacey, is Dr. Stone in? He is, let me see if he's with a patient. You can go in Stacey said. Hey Crystal, what you doing here? I was thinking about what he talked about yesterday and im willing to try it. I knew you would change your mind. I'm going to give you a dose of it, you probably feel a sting. I'm going to test you again next month to see if it worked. Until then, keep taking your medicine. I really hope it works, I said. Yeah me too, this could be huge for my career and even huge for America. I want to thank you again for inspiring me to do this. I just gave you the idea, you did all the work. I wouldn't have done the work if you didn't give me the idea. Did you go see Dr. Franklin? I did and I wanted to thank you. He actually helped me out alot. I have another session with him tomorrow. I'm glad he able to help you, I knew he would. With both y'all helping me, this could be a start of a new beginning for me. I actually talked to the guy who was paid to give me AIDS. Really? Yes, I forgave him for doing it. Wow, that was very big of you. Yeah, I know being mad forever wasn't going to change anything. I'm glad you doing better and you trying to move forward. I wouldn't have if it wasn't for you.

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