1. Into the woods

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Ariana Trish Keith and Beatrice Hope Kalazanzi were lost. They would never like to admit that they were lost, but they sure were. They had been fumbling about it the forest for about and hour and a half, tripping over logs and swearing at branches that "shouldn't have grown that way because that's stupid so why would that do that anyway?" before Ariana involuntarily concluded this.

"I think we're lost Tris," she said holding back a branch whilst Beatrice ducked under it.

"For the thousandth time Ari, we are not lost," Beatrice huffed.

"Im sorry for going against your life value of just living in the moment but I just don't want to be late to get home or mum will kill me,"

"It'll fine can we just drop it?"

"It's just I-"

Beatrice spun around to face her brown-haired friend,"Ari! I said its fine will you just drop it?!"

Beatrice was not the best when it came to admitting mistakes (as was clearly demonstrated above). However perhaps that was a good thing for if Beatrice and Ariana hadn't been fumbling about in the forest swearing at rocks and wondering "who the hell put that stupid log there?!" Then they might not have found this mystery, and then of course we would not have a story. 

Earlier this dull Sunday afternoon when Beatrice turned to her friend with a mischievous smile, Ariana was concerned. Usually whenever her blonde-haired friend has an idea partnered with that famous smile, it meant that something bad and most likely painful was going to occur.

For example on the 16th of April, one rainy day, Beatrice decided it was the perfect day for making a slip 'n' slide in the back yard. Ariana turned to face her friend seeing a crooked smile spread across her face. That smile meant danger but because she was 14-years-old (and whenever you're told an idea as a 14-year-old it's always an amazing one) she said;


Several bruises, cuts, and a hospital trip later, they had a feeling that smile would mean a lot more than just a smile.

So you can see why Ariana was concerned when a now 16-year-old Beatrice was proposing they venture to the dark woods.

Ariana fiddled with a bit if her hair, rolling the strands between her fingers,"I don't think that's the best idea Tris."

Beatrice then collapsed onto her bed and made a groaning sound like,"Hhhnnnnnnnnggggggffffffffffff"
She ran her hands over her face,"you never want to be fun anymore." She complained half heartedly.

"Yes I do," Ariana responded letting go of her hair and placing her hands in her lap.

"Nuh uh," her friend protested,"remember just the other day, I asked you to come to that concert with me and you said you 'didn't like concerts'"

"I told you I have a piano exam on that day"

"Just blow it off!"

"You can't blow of a piano exam because then you fail and then- "

"Okay! Okay... Let's just get back on track shall we?"

Ariana breathed in, going to argue more but then deciding against it, and just exhaled deeply, nodding for her friend to continue.

"I just mean, you're a little... Tense. You could use a little adventure."

Ariana stayed quiet, chewing her bottom lip whilst considering. She had been a bit stressed lately, a walk could help."what would we do in the forest though?"

Beatrice smiled knowingly ,"Okay, so all we're going to do is walk to the forest, chill out for a bit, then come straight back home," she sat up pushing herself back so she was leaning against the headrest of Ariana's bed,"and I'll buy you food on the way home so it's a win win."

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