2. The police station

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"What's your name?"


"What's your full name?

"Beatrice Kalazanzi"

"You got a middle name?"

"Beatrice Hope Kalazanzi"

"And, what were you doing in the woods?"

Beatrice looked up from the police desk. It had been three hours and forty-five minutes since she had been in the comfort of Ariana's home. Three hours since she had had the amazing idea to go walking through the forest at four in the afternoon, even though her parents and Ariana's had both advised them not to on account of there being dangers there. She felt stupid now. Why had she needed to push her friend into this? Why did she have to go and break the promise she had made to herself of not doing that? And then she  just had to go and freak out and freeze and have to be practically dragged out of the forest to safety just because she saw... Well, never mind what she saw.

"I was walking," Beatrice muttered dryly.

The policeman was basically what you'd imagine the stereotype to be. A big man with coffee stains on his shirt and thick dark eyebrows that seemed infinitely massive in comparison to his receding hairline.

"You were walking?" He looked up eyeing Beatrice fiercely,"are there roads where you live?"

Beatrice scoffed, crossing her arms,"yes."

The policeman crossed his arms also,"then why were you walking in the forest when there are these perfectly good roads right outside your house?"

"I needed fresh air," tris eyed the policeman, equaling the intensity of his gaze.

"Is there not fresh air near your house?"

"Yes but-"

"But what? You just felt like walking in one of the most dangerous parts of this neighbourhood?"

Beatrice stood up abruptly smashing the desk with her fist,"Maybe I just wanted to walk in the fucking forest!"


She spun around to see her mother's willowy figure standing in the doorway to the room. Her long arms straightened her shirt and walked slowly towards the desk.

Beatrice's mother was one to exclude nonsense. This was both a parenting tactic as well as a life value. On this particular day, she wore a sensible tight skirt and white blouse with black kitten heels. Her hair was pulled back into a loose bun, strands of her dark hair falling over her eyes, framing her face like a painting. Beatrice's mother was very beautiful but also very different to Beatrice. This was apparent when viewing her dark blue eyes and black wavy hair. She was also more sensible and didn't take risks unless they were well calculated and the only possible outcomes were all positive. If anything she was more like Ariana.

She placed a hand gently on Beatrice's whispering something quickly and quietly into her ear.

The policemen then remembering what his job was suddenly spoke up,"U-uh excuse me, what was that?" He said forcefully, waving a finger in between the two women standing at his desk.

The older woman of the two straightened up turning her attention towards the policeman.

"I'm sorry I was just telling Beatrice here," she waved a long finger in the general direction of her daughter,"how irresponsible she was being."

She turned to her daughter crossing her arms,"I have told you many times NOT to go into the forest Beatrice."

Beatrice stood confused at her mothers words as she was not the type to tell off more to just scold. The older woman flicked up an eyebrow at her daughter. Beatrice's eyes widened in realisation and she cleared her throat abruptly.

"Oh- ohhh..." She made a strange noise in the back of her throat, clasping her hands in front of her and dipped her head. She sighed deeply and mumbled a quick apology under her breath,"I'm sorry dearest mother," she pouted insincerely,"I have... Betrayed you."

The older women rolled her eyes subtly, internally frowning at her daughters terrible acting skills.

Beatrice burst out into big tears, throwing herself forward onto the policeman's sticky desk top.

"There's so much I want to do with my life," she sobbed between shaky breaths.

She turned to her unamused mother,"How will I get my law degree?!" She turned to the policeman, who was sat, uncomfortable with the overwhelming emotions Tris was expressing,"HOW WILL I GET MY LAW DEGREE?!"

"Okay I think I'll just take her home now"

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