The Other Side

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Monuments are strong, erect -

Maharajas have long left the ground

The sound of celebratory trumpet

Breaks apart the sky, and the land

On which side do I stand?

"ভূমিকম্প!" People ran away. Don't go.

I hope it's the beginning of paradise.

Don't look alarmed when you see

A Londoner. Act surprised.

It's a new start, ipod, wallmart -

Different doors, neonlit brands

On which door do I knock?

By which counter do I stand?

What kinds of songs should I store

in my ipod? Its the dawn of

A neonlit evening - the breeze of thumri

Lightens the burden

Do i get bored?

Men and cows are dancing on the road

But the road has been cracked open

Ancient ruins, unearthed -

They belonged to the maharajas I think

Do I have a clue? Before my own eyes

History has been unleashed in the blues.

The trumpet screams "বিদেশী! মারো!"

The crowd dances with bows and arrows

A meditation in war and imitation.

If this is paradise

Home is in a foreign land

On whose side do I stand?

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