Lies and a Figure in the dark

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    "Sorry, I'm visiting The Tomato Bastard, I can't come get you tonight. You could walk, right?" Hiding his fear Feliciano, the representative of North Italy began talking, "yeah, I'm not too far from home," lie "3-5 minutes at most!" 15 minutes by car "I can walk, it'll be part of my training!" I'll get lost or hurt "Why don't you tell Spain hi for me?" And bye, just in case I don't get home tonight "Bye Fratello!"

Hanging up, Italy looked over to France who was about 5 yards away and waiting for an answer. "So Italy, is he going to pick you up? Your house is on the way to my hotel room, I could drive you there." France looked truly worried about the young Italian, but Italy just wave his hand, smiling with his scared eyes closed.

"Romano will pick me up a couple streets over, I can wait for him!" He's not coming, he doesn't know "I'll be fine until then!" Will he see through it? "You should get back! I bet there's someone waiting for you!" Yeah, another one week woman. France shook his head gently "No, I'm alone tonight, there's no one waiting, so I could drop you off." Italy just shook his head declining again and waiting until 5 minutes after France had left before turning, and walking in the same direction.

Once he was about half way home, Italy heard a sound in the bushes. 'It's nothing, there's nothing there' he thought, hurting a little more. About 5 minutes later, something flew across his path almost hitting his chest, causing him to jerk out of the way hitting his arm instead and causing excruciating pain stopping him in his tracks.

Running, he didn't even stop to check what hit him and what the damage to his arm was until he was at the corner of his street. Slowing down, he looked at his arm and saw that a small knife had hit him in the forearm, making a wound of about 2 inches left to right, and thick enough for stitches. The knife had buried it's self about an inch and a half deep, and when Italy pulled it out the bleeding increased greatly.

Running down the street, Italy stopped when he got to his and his brothers shared house. Walking in quietly he went to the bathroom and pulled out the first aid kit before washing the cut. It still hasn't stopped bleeding, but he could stitch it up easily, after all, he knows how to sew, how much harder can this be?

Once it was stitched up and wrapped he stripped, and collapsed into bed, ready to sleep..... Until he remembered where he had to go tomorrow. Groaning he got up and unpacked his training clothes with long sleeves and finally collapsed onto his bed, ready to finally get his sleep.

The next morning he got up and put on the clothes he had set out the night before, and plastered on a stupid grin, going about making food. Once he was done eating he packed up what he would need, and got going to Germany's house.

As soon as he entered the house, he could tell that Germany was outside, mainly because his shoes were missing and a jacket was still on its hook. Going to the backyard he saw that there were bars for pull ups, nets for climbing under, and ropes for climbing up, set up all around the yard. In his head he thought about how much it was going to hurt to do those things.

Seeing Germany he ran up and glimpsed him, barely hiding a wince of pain at the feeling he got in his left arm. "Ve~ Morning Germany!" He said with a smile, hiding the fact that it hurt, so he wouldn't make his tall friend upset. Germany's face flushed slightly, but all the same he greeted him back. "Guten Morgen, Italy." He said, gently pulling Italy off before his cheeks went back to normal. "Ready for training?" His face was serious, with a slight undertone of excitement.

Italy's face fell slightly and he pouted to hide it. "Can't we just take a Siesta? I'm tired!" He said before flopping down on a slightly softer patch of grass, not noticing that his left sleeve had pulled up enough to see the slightly blood dotted bandages..........

Lies-GerItaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon