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That one hour was one of the most difficult things I've ever had to go through

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That one hour was one of the most difficult things I've ever had to go through. Not because of the math I was being taught though— it was because I was nervous for my date with Luke later, and the fact that Lindsey's eyes were burning a hole in the back of my head. She was still pissed about getting detention, and my close proximity to Mr. Hemmings put me in the way of her death stare towards the teacher.

"Alright, time's up. Calum, Lindsey, you can go," Mr. Hemmings announced, and I've never seen two people bolt from a room faster. "But you, Miss Clifford, I'm afraid you're stuck with me for just a little bit longer," he smirked.

"Damn," I joked, "how did I get so unfortunate?"

"Well, I guess I could just take you home," he teased, "But I'd much rather take you on a date."

I stuffed my books into my backpack before saying, "Lead the way, Hemmo."


It was an hour and half drive to the place Luke was taking me. I had repeatedly asked where we were going that was taking us so long to get there, but he kept responding with something along the lines of "we don't want to caught, so we have to go far away." Luke refused to tell me where we going though. I told him to cut it out with the cliché surprise crap, but he ignored me— said something about how he thought I resembled an angry teddy bear, and it was cute.

By the time we reached our destination, it was about 5:30. The place we arrived at happened to be an aquarium— which was something I had never been to before.

Luke paid for our entrance tickets despite my protests. I didn't believe that the guy always had to be the one to pay for everything. He said that the only way I'd get to pay was if I was the one to take him on a date. That was something I would have to remember for future reference.

We stood just inside the building looking at the map of all the different exhibits trying the decide where to go first.

"So I think we should start over by the— HOLY SHIT THEY HAVE PENGUINS HERE!" Luke shouted causing a few parents who had young children with them to look at him with disgust. "We're definitely going there first. Come on!" He grabbed my arm and started pulling me in the direction of the penguins. I tried to stifle my laughter, but I couldn't help it, not that he noticed always. I had never seen a grown man get so excited over something like a penguin.

Mr. Hemmings | Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now