Chapter 9

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My eyes began to cloud over with tears and my throat burned as I continued to shake Layla. She had drank the same amount of wanted as me, but because she was so small the water must have effected her either worse or more quickly than it had effected me. She remained asleep as I began to search through my bag for medical supplies. Nothing stood out. I cursed and pushed my backpack out of the way as my head pounded mercilessly. I glanced out the window, the snow had ceased and the sun was now beating against the pavement, melting the slush and creating puddles of tempting water.
I yelled out in frustration. I had no way to help Layla, no medical supplies, no clean water. I noticed something flutter past the window for a moment and glanced up again. A small bottle attached to a tiny parachute was dangling from the ledge of my window. Without hesitation I ran over to the window, threw it open, and pulled the parachute inside before shutting the window again. I pulled back the lid of the container attached to the parachute and dumped the contents onto the ground. Two small vials clattered onto the ground along with a small note. I picked up the note and unfolded it, reading quickly.
We don't know what kind of poison is in the water, but these vials should help slow its progression. You need to take both, one immediately and one tonight. Be safe Cam.
I love you.
I picked up the vials and uncapped the first one. A blue liquid sloshed around in the small container. My head pounded, my throat burned. But I was awake. I wasn't getting worse. I had stopped vomiting. I looked up at Layla who was still in bed, dying. It would be so easy for me to drink the vials, save myself and let Layla die. I looked back at the open vial in my hand and shook my head. I quickly made my way over to Layla and cracked open her mouth, then emptied the container down her throat. I knew the medicine was meant for me. I knew that if I made it out alive Finnick would kill me for giving an expensive antidote to tiny Layla who didn't stand a chance, but I didn't care. It was the right thing to do.
"Thank you." I whispered into the air, sure the cameras would be on me. I took the note and tucked it into the pocket of my jeans. I realized that I must have gotten most of the poisoned water out of my system because I was no longer vomiting. The room had began to smell thanks to my stomach contents reemerging. I set out to find something to clean up the refuse with.
After almost an hour of cleaning I heard my first canon in two days. Instinctively I ran to Layla's side and felt for a pulse. I found one almost immediately, strong and steady. The medicine must be doing its job, I thought. Hopefully she would be better soon. I wondered about Jack, if the canon had been his. I went to the window and looked out. The buildings stretched out far ahead of me. The ruined city covered miles. But no water. None of us would make it very long with the poisonous water, or without it for that matter. Maybe there is a lake somewhere, I thought. I grabbed my trident and walked to the staircase at the end of the hall. I climbed the two remaining flights of stairs until I reached the door to the roof. Layla and I hadn't checked the roof when we'd arrived, but it was highly unlikely that anyone had survived the snowstorm if they had been on the roof. I readied my trident and pulled hard on the handle. Late afternoon sunlight streamed in and I was momentarily blinded. I blinked rapidly, weapon at the ready, and stepped onto the roof. There was no one.
My eyes slowly adjusted and I looked around. I could see the entire city, gleaming in snow. I propped the door open with a cinder block and walked to the edge of the roof. The arena was made up of mostly skyscraper building that were probably a tribute to the times before the Games. I sat on the roof, enjoying the sunlight and looked around the city. If I could just find a lake. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of searching, my eyes came upon a section of grass towards the middle of the city near the cornucopia. If there was going to be a lake, it'd be there. It was to the north end of the building, and only about twelve blocks away. It wouldn't take long to reach the area as long as I wasn't spotted. I decided to leave after dark, after I'd given Layla her medicine. After everyone was asleep.
I climbed back down the stairs and returned to the room Layla was in. The sun was setting and it was almost time for me to give Layla her medicine again. I was beginning to have a headache from dehydration, but knew it would have to wait. As I waited for night I checked my backpack. I pulled out the weird binoculars and put them up to my eyes. I light nearly blinded me and I yanked them away from my face. They must be for seeing at night, I decided. They might come in handy. I began to hide knives on my person, in case I was attacked on my way to the lake. The throwing knives went in my belt, two daggers went in the side of my boots. I stuck a long, curved blade in the shoulder of my backpack so I could easily pull it out if I needed. I decided to leave a few protein bars with Layla, along with my blanket. I put the rest of the knife case, other than the dagger I'd given Layla into my backpack with the binoculars and the rest of the protein bars. I hated to leave her by herself, but without clean water, neither of us would survive.
I carefully emptied all but one of the water bottles, which was now emitting a strange, sour smell, and put all of the water bottles in my backpack. I'd only be able to tell if the water was poisoned by smell apparently.
I pulled on my backpack as the sun set and picked up my trident. I walked over to Layla and poured the last vial of medicine into her mouth and gently coaxed it down her throat with my fingers. Her pulse was still strong and her fever had gone down significantly. I knew that if she woke up she'd be worried about where I was, and could potentially drink water without realizing it made her sick, so I took one of the empty water bottles out of my backpack, pricked my finger with a dagger, and drew an X across the bottle. Hopefully she would understand. Then I turned and left the apartment.

The Hunger Games: Camden ShepardOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz