Feeling sad (rap)

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   Last night I got off the phone with my hubby, well I got so sad I started crying and screaming so I made this rap,u don't got to like this is just how I feel
-_MusicIsBae_- jt12902

        Tell me how Am I going to live with this pain waking up every day knowing your dead and gone away I know your in a better places I know you always telling me to stay strong whip tears off my face I wish I could help instead yelling for help I just hope one day we see each other again big bro you show your hates and hoes who throws shot how owns this block fuck I wish your still here for real you stood with me through hell always wish me to good well couldn't tell who's who with the real and fakes that's night was fuck up they took your life and am take what's right there fucking life but tell me how am I going to live like this waking up every day still missing the biggest pieces of my live, heart and soul now am cold from my heart and I ain't showing no love to this gangs witch I could change my chains for a gold ak bro let God put you in a good spot a great place in heaven I hope we can go see each other again maybe one day I know it's hard to keep my head up and don't need to be sad or mad just glad knowing your a better place just do me a favor spread your wings for me blow some wind to know to know its you well I look up in the sky

        I miss u big brother it's hard not waking up with u by my side tellin me how everything is going to be ok, I miss u picking me up when I'm mad and throwing me over your shoulder and walk around lmao that was omg I loved it 😭🙂😢I miss u holding me when I'm sad and telling me "Jaylexus ur my little angel nothing will ever hurt u u are safe ur safe with me😢 why can't I hear u say that one more time why can't I hear u "Jaylexus ur my baby sis I love u, yeah we may fight and get mad but we will always love each" I want to hear that one more time I want to wake up and eat breakfast with u and John OMG I miss u I need u I need u and jt12902 and John I love u guys I need u guys I need u guys I love u guys never forget that
     R.I.P JONNY

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