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"You can't conquer reality by running away from it." -Og Mandino

She never told anyone she was leaving; kept it secret, under lock and key, with the key never to be found in the light of day again. The day she left home was a simple reason; she hated the screaming, the arguing, the fights over who was right and who should apologize. Mirai was just a child of nine years, but that didn't stop her. She ran away from home, a suffocating place filled with all the hatred that her parents had shown everyday without end. If it weren't through divine intervention, she would have been dead with at least one of her parents by now.

Mirai was found, of course, but by a humble couple a couple miles down the road. When they called her parents, the answering machine was the only viable thing they could talk too. After hours of calling, Mirai explained her unfortunate situation. The couple immediately wanted to adopt her, to get her out of the terrible life she was in.

She had a good life from then on out; loving guardians, a nice house, a new school that wasn't too far away from her old one; with that in mind, she still could meet her friends every now and again, seeing them at the grocery store here and there. From Mirai's knowledge, her parents divorced, and while they headed to different sides of the country, they left her without saying as much as one word. No farewells, no goodbyes. Then again, she was happy she got a new life without getting scrapped or bruised.

Mirai is all grown up now, working a nice little job as an inspiring writer and she's giving it everything she's got. She only has a one hope that she assures everyone she'll keep; to stay happy and safe.

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