Chapter Six.

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I knew what must have been going on in Rayne's mind. I didn't correct her when she thought I was flirting with Kelly in the bar because it didn't matter. I brushed it off as teasing and forgot about it. Kelly had been flirting with me and it didn't bother me because I wasn't doing the same thing back. I wasn't interested in her and I'd made that clear long ago.
Then she called me at 12:30 at night and I had no idea how to explain this to Rayne. I couldn't tell her it was purely a business call because I couldn't tell her what the business was. I had to pick up her call because she was the one giving me people from her team for the raid on Smoke. I was obliged to talk to her.
When I went back inside, she was already asleep with her beautiful face tucked under her arms and her chestnut brown hair sprawled over the couch. She was curled up like a fetus, making herself smaller into a tiny ball, smaller than she already was.
I picked her up easily and carried her to my bedroom. She didn't wake up; just kept sleeping soundly, and buried her face in my shirt.
I laid her down on the four-poster bed, tucking her in a blanket, and went to change my clothes. My eyes fell on the reflection in the mirror as I washed my face and it had a mix of emotions written all over its face. How that woman made me feel so many different things at once, I would never know.
I slithered into the blanket beside her. She was lying with her back to me so I snaked an arm around her waist and gently dragged her till she was pressed against me. Her body felt tiny and warm in my embrace and she naturally maneuvered herself till she was molded to fit in the space my arms created.
I pressed a kiss to the top of her head and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.

My eyes blinked lazily open to Rayne squirming and rolling around. She was in a dazed state. "Where am I?" she croaked.
"My place," I said and realized I didn't sound any different.
"Oh." She blinked in confusion and tried to rub the sleep out of her eyes. "Right. I remember."
She sat up and in the hint of light falling through the curtains, she looked like she had come straight out of the silver screen. "I'm sorry for falling asleep last night. I didn't realize how tired I was," she said, running her fingers through her hair which just made them wilder. Finally, she got irritated at the futile attempts, made a face at the locks of hair falling on her chest and flipped them back with a huff.
"No, I'm sorry. I should've ignored that call," I said, knowing I couldn't have but that didn't sound good for an apology.
"No, it's okay. You have priorities. I understand," she said.
"I don't. It's just-" I started to say but she cut me.
"You don't need to justify to me what or who you do, Evan. Chill," she said.
"I do," I said, hauling her back when she tried to get off the bed. "I like you and I don't want weird ass confusions to end this at the beginning."
She sifted her fingers through my hair and pressed her lips to mine. "Nothing is ending. Not unless you want it to." As an afterthought, she added, "Or if you do something completely unacceptable."
"Then tell me what unacceptable is."
"You're not dumb. Basically just don't hurt me and we're good," she said.
I tucked her hair behind her ear. "Were you hurt when I told you I had to take the call?"
Her eyes shifted between both of mine. "A little," she admitted. "But that's because I was wondering if I wasn't distracting enough," she said with a smirk, echoing my earlier words to her.
"You are. You always are. And I swear I wouldn't have picked that up if I wasn't obliged to."
She hesitated, scooting away from me. "Can I ask you something?"
"Yeah," I said carefully.
"Are you dating her?" she asked.
"Hell no." I had known that was coming but I wasn't ready to see the shadow of melancholy cross her eyes.
"Then why the heck were you obliged to talk to her after midnight?" she demanded, all the hesitation gone from her demeanor.
I sat up on my knees and pulled her to me again. Who would've thought she would get mad at the fact that I was not dating another woman?
"She is doing me a favor. People from her team are going to be cooperating with me for a raid in Smoke this weekend. She was calling to confirm who all would be going. I had to pick it up," I explained.
"A raid, huh?" she said.
"Yeah. We've been coordinating with the narcotics department in trying to find the sources of where these drugs keep coming from. I couldn't miss this one lead," I said, not even realizing I was telling her everything I wasn't supposed to. These things are not allowed to leak out but talking to her was so easy and natural that the words just rolled off my tongue.
"Let me give you a suggestion, Evan. You want to find the drugs? Search in the small places where few people go. You want to find the people? Search in the big places where they can get lost easily," she said. "Trust me. I've been bartending long enough to know about this."
An idea floated into my mind like a dandelion lost in the summer breeze. I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of this before.
"Listen. You were finding work, right? I'll give you something and it will go a long way in helping us," I said.
She narrowed her eyes slightly. "What?"
"Why don't you take a shift at Smoke this weekend? Help us find the addicts and the sellers. For every person you find, I'll get my seniors to pay you, sort of like a commission." Nobody else could look more like an "inside" person as a bartender did, especially if people were familiar with her. Plus, guys are one tracked minded. They see a hot body and they tell you everything, and where would someone find a body hotter than hers?
"Yeah..." She slowly crawled to me. "I have this other thing. But if I'm free, I'll definitely help you out." And before I could say anything else, she made me forget everything by claiming my lips passionately. She kissed me like she could possess me just by this one simple act and she did. I couldn't feel, see, taste, smell anything but her. Her lips were still wine stained from the night before that I proceeded to lick off before paying the same respects to the rest of her body.
I pushed the strap of her dress aside to leave a trail of kisses from her neck to her shoulder. She was faster than me though. In a span of five seconds, she had removed my T-shirt, pushed me back on the bed and straddled me. Her big brown eyes stared up at me mischievously as she slowly kissed down my torso, her lips burning my skin.
She suddenly came up to cup my cheeks and whispered in my ear with a giggle, "You still wanna improvise with the cuffs?"
As an answer, I reached over to the side table and took out the silver handcuffs from the bottom drawer.
I had thought that I would get to use them, not have them be used on me but when she quickly snatched them from me, I realized I was going to be at her mercy for a long time. She cuffed my arms above my head and bound the chain around one of the posts at the corner of the bed. With an unexpected intensity, she grabbed my face and kissed me so passionately, I wasn't capable of breathing. And just as quickly, she left me panting for more.
She stood up on the bed with her legs on either side of my waist and took out her dress in slow, languid motions, and the sight of her clad in only a barely-there bra and lacy panties was almost enough to make me climax.
I made a move as if to touch her but the the clink of the handcuffs against the wooden post reminded me of my helplessness.
"Well, now that my work is done here, I'm gonna bid you goodbye," she said, stretching her arms.
I stilled. "What do you mean?"
She giggled and sashayed outside, her hips swinging invitingly.
I struggled against the cuffs futilely. "Rayne? Rayne!" I shouted. There wasn't a single sound to be heard.
Then thankfully the sound of soft music reached my ears after two minutes of torturous waiting and she appeared in the doorway, leaning against it with a wicked smile on her face, a glass of wine in her hand.
"What the hell, Rayne?" I tried to make it sound furious but I was so turned on by her naughtiness that my lust was clearly visible, if not from my eyes then from the bulge in my boxers.
She giggled again. She couldn't stop giggling but damn it, it sounded so good. "You look so pretty, baby. I love seeing you like that," she purred.
She walked slowly to me, her hips swinging in time to the music, and crawled up to me and supported her head on one elbow, lying on her side.
"Don't make me think it was a mistake handing these to you," I growled.
"This is your punishment for leaving me hot and bothered last night," she chided, sipping her wine casually like this wasn't new to her.
"Rayne, baby, please..." I pleaded. Yes, that was what she had reduced me to.
She put the rim of the glass to my lips and poured some wine out. I had to lift my head to catch it in my mouth but a few drops still made escaped. She caught them with her lips before they could drip onto the bedsheet and cleaned its sticky trail from my neck to my lips with her tongue.
"Don't worry, I won't let it spill," she whispered and let some drops trickled down my abs which her expert tongue took seconds in lapping up.
"How many times have you done this before?" I said, biting back a moan.
She pulled down my boxers and even the way the silk brushed against my erection aroused me. "Never."
"Holy mother of God. You work like a professional," I breathed.
She stilled. "Do you like it?"
"Baby, please don't stop. We'll cover all topics later," I said, looking her in the eyes to show how much I needed her right then.
The corners of her lips lifted up deviously and she bent her head down to tentatively give me a lick. My barely muffled moan enticed her to work her magic more thoroughly across me, licking from the tip right down to the base. She flicked her eyes up to mine and took me in her mouth. Cold drops of wine trickled down my shaft to her warm mouth. 
I groaned and struggled with my restraints again. "Fuck," I muttered. I was sure I was going to die and I hoped this beautiful angel would take me to heaven.
She bobbed her head up and down as she took me deeper and her slurping sounds were lost between the violin's gliding chords emanating from the speakers. Right when I hit the back of her throat, she released me and crawled back up to me.
"Unlock me," I growled.
She kissed me softly, making me arch my neck to reach her lips. 
"Ask me nicely, baby," she said in a deceivingly sweet voice.
"Please, sweetheart, unlock me?" I said as seductively as I could. 
She straddled my waist and guided me inside her gently. "I'll think about it."
I arched my back. Every sensation was too much for me. My hands itched to touch her, battling for some control but she had all the power.
"You know you'll have to unlock me some time and then it won't be good for you," I warned through my eyes squeezed shut.
"I could stop right now if you want," she said.
I moaned as she rotated her hips to let me in deeper and I hit the deepest corners of her. Our rapid breaths matched the rhythm with which she rocked atop me.
Her sweet torture already had me balancing on the edge and it took me two minutes to topple off. She came with me, nibbling on my neck painfully as our bodies jerked and thrashed.
"Okay, now open me, you pert minx," I told her between labored breaths.
"Where's the key?" she asked.
"Bottom drawer," I nodded behind me.
I heard her rummaging in the drawer but I couldn't see what she was doing.
"There's no key here," she said after a minute.
"What the heck are you talking about? It's gotta be right there," I said.
"Do you think I'm blind? It's not," she said.
"Don't say that. I can't have forgotten it back at the headquarters. Oh God. Search again-" My fretting stopped when I heard the click of the lock opening and felt her lips on my temple. 
"I was just kidding, wuss," she smiled against my skin.
I threw the handcuffs on the side table and rotated my wrists, stretching my arms this way and that to ease the cramped muscles.
I felt Rayne climbing on the bed behind me and starting to rub my shoulders. I fell back against her as she massaged me. "Jesus, baby, you're phenomenal," I told her and she blushed in response.
I picked her up in my arms and spun around twice, making her squeal, and took her to the bathroom. Pushing the curtains aside, I laid her down in the tub and we made love again, this time with my complete freedom to touch her so I held her tightly against me.
I offered her my clothes to wear but she refused, saying that hers weren't dirty and mine wouldn't fit her in a century. "Just give me your shirt and it will make an oversized dress," she said pointedly.
I rolled my eyes but she wasn't wrong. "Alright. Suit yourself."
I padded off to change and by the time I came back to the room, she was completely clad in the dress she had donned the night before, sitting primly on the edge of the bed and typing away furiously in her cellphone.
"You look worried," I commented as I dragged my fingers through my hair while checking myself out in the mirror. I looked fine.
"No. I'm..." she trailed off.
I put on an overcoat and offered my hand to her.
She held up one finger. "One second... I'm almost..."
I tapped my foot, the sound of it hitting against the ground as an impatient reminder that I was still waiting with my hand extended in the same position.
She took a breathing moment to glance up at me and when she noticed me looking at her impassively, she squeaked an apology and took my hand, stuffing her phone in her purse and getting up.
"If I get late, it's all your fault," I told her.
"Sure. You can tell your colleagues that you couldn't come on time because a girl a foot shorter than you had tied you to your own bed with your own cuffs," she said smugly but her words were a little strained.
"What's got you so wound up?" I asked, leading her out.
"Nothing. I'm fine," she said, smiling up at me as I put my thumb on the detector to open the door.
"Why not the code this time?" she asked but her look told me she knew the answer.
"So that nobody sees it," I replied. "You have no idea how people take advantage of that stuff, like leaving people cuffed in bed and all that jazz."
She laughed and pinched my cheeks. "You did get scared there for a minute," she teased.
"I don't put it past you to not do that, little minx," I teased her back.
"I'm not a minx. I'm such a sweet little kid. Why would you call me that?" she pouted dramatically.
I opened the door of the car for her. "No, not at all. You're a pocket full of sunshine. Aren't you, RayneBow?" 
Her jaw locked. She threw herself inside and banged the door shut on her own.
I blinked uncomprehendingly at her sudden fit. When I got into the driver's seat, she had her head turned towards the window, pointedly ignoring me.
"You are a pocket full of sunshine. I mean it," I said intently.
"I'm not a motherfucking rainbow," she bit out.
"You have all the colors of one on your dress," I joked.
She tugged the ends of her skirt uncomfortably and folded one leg over the other. Dead silence. I had no idea what I did to offend her.
"Hey," I said softly, tucking her hair behind her ears so I could see her face. She went stock still when I touched her. "What happened suddenly?"
"Nothing. I'm fine," she mumbled.
Unfortunately, we had reached her place by then. As soon as I skidded to a halt, she mumbled a hasty goodbye and got off.
I debated on whether to go after her or not and if I wasn't already forty minutes late, I would have. Reluctantly, I put the car on gear and watched her mount the steps of the building in my rearview mirror.

Unchecked (New York Unraveled #2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt