Chapter 1 an unforgettable memory

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A/N as I said I'm going to rewrite it there might be some changes when the hunter exam arc starts but I reaalllyyy hope you enjoy I do not own any of hxh.
Oh an btw the hxh fanatic is the first fanatic I ever made in my life >w<..

Yuko's POV

Watching your best friend under the control of your big sister as she kills your parents right in front of you while you are tied up and can't do anything then your best friend was lying on the floor still under your sister's control and as the puppet she was your sister made her stab herself and "sorry" was the last thing she said. It was the most uneasy feeling I freed myself from the chains that were wrapped around my hands and feet and that's when my big sister stopped laughing and was creped out she dropped that remote control-thingy that she was controlling my now-dead-friend on the floor as it shattered to pieces "spare me..." I could hear her say as I smirked evilly and got my hand up and shoved it into her chest right next to her heart she gasped in pain as I slowly moved my hand to the direction her heart was in and grabbed it out she looked at her own heart in her 2 years old sister's hand and before everything went blank she saw her creepy little sister's eyes looking at her as she crushed her heart in her hands and poured it where it used to be when it was pumping blood around her body!

I sighed as I went upstairs and packed all my stuff checking the house 6 times for my stuff or money after I was satisfied I walked through the living room and it's full of blood "serves you right nee-san" i smiled "please watch over me papa mama you as well memi" as I walked out of the house I felt someone "you're talented care to come to my house?" a tall teen with emotionless eyes asked I nodded and started walking behind him. Night fell down and I was feeling sleepy 'probably 12 o'clock' thought judging by the moon "sleep?" I swear his voice made me jump it literally came out of nowhere "yeah" I groaned "okay wait another couple of hours maybe 2 or 3" he said a tick mark appeared in my forehead "why did you ask me then?" I said angrily "I don't know" he said calmly, I could tell he was lying after 2 hours and a half we reached this huge and I really do mean HUGE mountain "here we are" the guy stated I thought his eyes would be happy but his eyes showed no emotion I was quite shocked but soon shrugged it off as soon as we got in I was surprised my mouth shaped like an 'o' "is ALL of this your backyard!" I said in awe "yup" he said "though it's not as big" he said emotionlessly "what do you mean 'not as big' can't you ever be satisfied with what you have?" I said putting my right hand on my hip and me left leg forward and stared at the I-don't-know-how-high teen "you are not my ma so you can tell me what to do" he sighed "well my gender is female and I believe that all FEMALES are ma's or they're going to be one so I think I am going to be one someday!" he looked at me and whistled quietly "when did you learn to talk" he asked and me being me I totally answered "when I was around 6 months why?" I asked "how though?" he said "I was strictly taught by my now-dead-sis even though my parents were against it she still did teach me how to speak... um I know how to speak English and Arabic plus Japanese(what she is speaking right now)" I said with a proud smile on my face he whistled but louder than before "okay I'll show you were you'll be staying but you are not allowed to meet the family members only butlers or Mike" he said walking off "Mike?" I asked confusingly "you'll know once you see him" it hadn't been that long and he pointed at a far corner about 4 or 5 miles from the mountain near a beautiful river and trees were surrounding it and there were fruits on the trees all kinds of fruit and that's when he whistled really loud and this gigantic dog-fox thingy came I looked at it in awe as I walked next to the guy "that's Mike?!!" "Uh-huh....... Now Mike this girl named..." "Yuko" "Yuko will be staying her I want you to play with her and stay by her side I'm going to bring Zebro, Gotoh and Canary and tell them. Oh and by the way do not leave this place" he said and the last bit was a command I nodded my head and soon was playing with Mike he is such a cute dog but I tell you he is quite scary around intruders.

After a couple of days-

It's been a couple of days scene I came here life is way cooler than it used to be even though I started training hard every day like it was hell on earth with Illumi. I had to eat poison every day or get trained to manipulate my hand to turn my nails into claws that are sharper than knives and these kinda stuff but I didn't care really as long as I have Mike, Canary, Gotoh and Zebro I felt at home and soon enough I was able to manipulate my hands and not get effected by poison and my fighting skills got better I made a weapon all by myself, well you can say it's for everything and not only weapons, it was a mini piano necklace and each certain tune that I played brought out a weapon or a shield or supplies like: food, water etc. it was quite the thing I needed.

3 years had passed and Illumi said that I don't need any more training as I have mastered all the basics I've grown bored because more intruders keep coming and my friends have to go and stop them and they had to do their work so I became lonely one night Mike was sleeping next to me at midnight I shot up when an idea popped in my head I took everything I needed in my piano necklace and started climbing the wall that was behind me just then Mike got up and started to whimper it was really heartbreaking to leave but I had to there was nothing for me to do here and I had learned the basics so I climbed down and a gave Mike a hug and wrote a letter promised Mike that I will come back one day and started to climb again "who are you?" a little babyish sound came from behind me I looked at the little girl and climbed down "I'm Yuko, Yuko Minalo" I said with a smile and climbed back down AGAIN! Heh I like shouting in my head "and what about you?" I asked "Alluka zoldyck" she said smiling sooooooo innocently so she was a zoldyck "what are you doing here?" she asked so I sat down and told her the story and once I finished we played together for a while and then I told her to act like she never met me or anyone around her house and I promised Mike that I will come back and hope we meet again she nodded her head I said goodbye after giving the young girl a hug as she rushed over back to the mountain and I climbed down the other side and started walking off aiming for I-have-no-idea-where but I still walked in a strait way I felt tired and gave in to sleep.

After a couple of hours--

I woke up as the sun beams shone down on me and played this tune on my piano a tray with coco pops in a bowl with milk I liked my lips but then remembered something "I need a T.V." I said looking like someone who remembered a hard equation for chemistry, "but then.... Naaaaaaaaaahh I can't be bothered" I said as I tucked in and started eating as soon as I finished I played this other tune on my piano necklace (I think I'm gonna call it P.N) and it just took the plate, spoon and tray away. I stood up and started to walk again and just 4 to 5 hours later I got out of this dull forest and out I put my arm in front of my eyes as the sun shone stronger at me and when I got used to the shine I looked to find a little city and then sprinted leaving trails of dust behind me and soon enough I was in the city I was looking around and since I wasn't looking I bumped into someone and fell over "iteeeeeeee!!!" I said as I rubbed my forehead and then I stood up by the help of whoever I bumped into quickly bow down "gomenasai" I spoke up politely and that person didn't say anything I didn't think that it would be normal that a 5 years old girl would be walking around the city just wondering "are you lost" the person asked I quickly stood up properly and looked to see another boy who had this weird cloak on it had no hoddie but it did have a collar that was covering his mouth and nose and had a skull shape thingy on it "no!" I replied "are you sure?" he asked "yes I am..." I said knowing that it won't end fast "are you really, really sure?!"




"Really really really really?"

"Really really really really really!!!"

"okay then I believe you" he said really coldly "did you really have to say that all this time just to make sure" I asked trying to hide my anger "by the way what's your name?" he asked completely ignoring what I just said and what my face expression was like and me being me I answered honestly "Yuko Minalo" I said with a smile completely forgetting what I just happened "what about you?" "Feitan" he said not facing me and making eye contact with everything except me! This was a bit annoying "alright then can we play???" I smirked after I said the word play he saw the smirk and yes was his answer...

A/N i hope you liked it and again sorry for any grammar mistakes *sad face* meh *smiles* in any ways please be honest to me i'll take advice from anyone.

Am I Even A Human!?{slow Updates Maybe}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora