Chapter 1

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Rolling over in her bed, Tina Fey heard the unmistakable sound of her roommates voice. Amy Poehler. They had been best friends for God known how long. They went to school together, college together, and now they worked together. At SNL. By far their favourite job yet.

"WHAT AMY!" Tina yelled back, groaning as she did. Her head pounding like a hammer was hitting her skull.
Before Tina had a chance to prepare herself, thundering footsteps echoed up the staircase and before she knew it her bedroom door was thrown open. It hit the wall with a thud.

"Amy was that really necessary" Tina moaned, grabbing a pillow and placing it over her ears to block out the background noise.

"Actually yes it was. Because despite the fact that u got absolutely hammered last night...we still have work today"

The only response Tina gave was a low grumble before throwing a pillow at Amy, missing completely as her head was still face down on the mattress.

"Was that really necessary Tina?" Amy asked in a mocking voice. "You have approximately 25 minutes to get ready...3...2...1...GO!"


"Feeling a little rough there T?"
Tina lifted her head to see Jimmy peering over her desk.

Immediately she sat up straight and fixed the papers that she had been working on and were strewn around. As she did her head began to pound again, she reflexed and brought her hand up to head.

"Need some aspirin?" Jimmy brought out a packet of tablets and a glass of water from behind his back.

Tina smiled and her stomach immediately warmed at the kind gesture. She took the pills and water with a catching grin that was immediately replicated on Jimmy's face.

"You're a life saver Jimmy, I can't thank you enough" Tina looked into his eyes, instantly regretting it from the butterflies that began to fly around her stomach.

"Hey it's no problem for my number one BFF"

At those words Tina's heart sunk. Best friends that's all they were, deep down she knew that. But there was still a part of her that hoped he wanted something more. Her smile faltered for a second, long enough for Jimmy to notice as he frowned a little. But kept from commenting on the change of expression.

"Anyway I'd better get back to work, have you finished the office sketch yet?" Jimmy asked

"Yeah it's right here, see you later J" Tina handed Jimmy the script and gave him a small wave goodbye.

She wished he would turn around so she could look at him again, but he sauntered off without another glance. Much to Tina's dismay. Suddenly another figure waltzed up to her desk.

"Tina hey...long time no see" Amy commented with a mysterious smirk on her face. "Hey was that Jimmy talking to you just then, he seemed pretty happy when he came back. Something you said maybe?" She wiggled her eyebrow and in return was given a playful glare.

Amy was fully aware of Tina's "little" crush on Jimmy, and used that fact to her advantage. Or to the disadvantage of Tina. Not that she was too bothered about that, being her best friend and all.

"Very funny ha ha. Why don't you go and flirt with Seth or something" Tina knew it was a low blow, but Amy wouldn't be that insulted anyway.

"Excuse me that's not a nice thing to say is it?" Amy commented, feigning offence.

Rolling her eyes Tina looked back to her desk, hoping that Amy might see that as a sign to vacate her personal space. But to no such luck, instead she decided to plonk herself on the corner of Tina's desk...right on her scripts.

"You know Amy, this really isn't helpful in any way shape or form"

"Oh I beg to differ" Amy chuckled.

In her peripheral vision, Tina suddenly saw a certain someone and knew she had to beckon them over. And she did.

"Hey Seth come join us!" She called, Seth happily obliged and joined in on the conversation.

Tina didn't miss the death glare that was sent her way, but ignored it. Babbling on to Seth about God knows what sent Amy bright red just for being in his presence. If he tried making conversation with her, she mumbled slightly before turning the question away from her. She was given a few odd glances but luckily Seth didn't comment on it.

"Anyway you girls are distracting me from work, I've got to oversee a rehearsal for Friday's dress. I'll see you later" Seth walked off in the opposite direction to Jimmy.


"I don't think that bit really works with the script, or the rest of the scene. Should we just cut it? Jimmy. Helloooooo. Earth to J" Tina waved a hand in front of Jimmy's face to wake him up.

He jumped suddenly and instantly his cheeks burned red, Tina knew he was staring at her.

"Sorry I wasn't paying attention, you look beau......I mean I didn't get a good nights sleep" He cursed for his obvious slip up, but was thankful that Tina didn't comment on it.

"No more late nights for a while then I'm guessing" Tina laughed, remembering her state this morning.

"Actually I was gonna invite you Seth and Amy for a dinner tonight. You know, celebrate 3 years on the show." His cheeks still hinted red and showed no signs of changing colour.

"I think that's a great idea. As long as no drinking games are involved, even thinking about alcohol makes me feel sick"

"No way! Just a quiet meal us four, definitely no alcohol. Maybe a glass of wine or two though" Jimmy suggested.

"I think I'll stick with Sprite" Tina laughed, causing Jimmy to chuckle.

"Dinner tonight it is then. I'll meet you after work" Jimmy smiled.

Before Tina could respond, a pair of lips were pressed against her cheek. As she opened her eyes (forgetting she even closed them in the first place) Jimmy's face held an expression of surprise. As if he'd shocked himself doing that. He quickly hurried away without a word, leaving Tina with wide eyes and slightly heavier breathing. A lingering sensation was present on her cheek, a feeling she never wanted to leave.

"What just happened there then?" A cocky voice spoke up.

Without even turning around Tina replied

"Oh hush Amy, I bet a lot more with happen with you and Seth tonight" she teased.

"Tonight?" Amy queried

"I'll tell you about it later"


Thanks for reading my first chapter, hopefully it won't take too long for the second chapter to write.

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