Chapter 2

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"Ok it's later"

"Amy will you give it a rest, he kissed my cheek in a friendly way and then left" Tina sighed.

"Oh there was nothing friendly about it in my view. You could just see the romance bursting out of your eyes" She chuckled

"That doesn't even make any se-"

"Ok so what's happening with me and Seth tonight?" Amy interrupted.

Tina was startled at her change of demeanour, but she was an actress after all.

"Well Jimmy has invited us and Seth for an anniversary dinner to celebrate 3 years on the show" Tina explained, lying back on the sofa in their apartment.

"Wow 3 years already, that's crazy"

"Yeah it is"

They fell into a comfortable silence neither one of them having any clue what to say. Until Amy spoke up.

"We have to find outfits for tonight. Did Jimmy say casual or smart or both?" Amy rambled

"I don't-"

"Did he say where we are going because we obviously need to meet them later"

"He said he'd text-"

"What about presents, do we have to bring anything-"

"AMY! I don't know, he will probably text me later."

"Sorry" Amy apologised, stopping the conversation short.

After that they just chatted about work. Tina felt a little guilty about the way she spoke to her, but she knew Amy wouldn't get annoyed at her or anything. They had had our fair share of arguments to know that it's pointless fighting over something so petty.
Their outfits for tonight were next on the conversation list, and after sifting through practically every item in both of their wardrobes it felt like a lost cause. Items of clothing were strewn carelessly around the bedroom, cluttering the floor and taking over the bed.
"Amy I have nothing to wear. Seriously we have gone through everything, I might as well not go tonight" Tina sighed exasperatedly, collapsing dramatically onto the bed.

"Drama queen much? It's a good thing you're an actress" Amy chuckled, trying to make her way through the mountain of tops, jeans and dresses.
"There has to be something in here that would make Jimmy go mad for you. God knows it's been long enough" Amy mumbled the last part under her breath, and luckily for her Tina was oblivious to the comment.

After rooting through an endless pile of material, one item was pulled through.
"Bingo! This oughta do it"!"


"Tina, Amy. You two look gorgeous tonight" Seth commented, his eyes lingering on Amy just a second longer.
This made Amy feel like she was back in high school on a date with the quarterback, all the same emotions rippled through her.
"Yes you definitely do" Jimmy added, not even glancing at Amy
At least Seth was slightly more subtle with his leering, not that Tina minded in the slightest.

"Shall we find our table?" Tina suggested, linking arms ever so casually with Jimmy.

"What a pleasant idea, lead the way fair maiden" Jimmy smirked in a posh British accent, making Tina giggle and reply with an equally eager voice.
"Of course I will my dear"

A little behind Seth and Amy were observing. Both of them chuckling to each other, they acted like best friends but their eyes spoke differently.
"You'd think after 3 years they would've come to their senses and actually gone out on a date" Amy giggled, intertwining her fingers with Seth's.

It was easier to act this way around Seth, their relationship had always gone past the boundaries of friendship. Even when either of them got a partner, they would inevitably have to choose between them. And every time, Amy chose Seth and Seth chose Amy. It was a decision that took no longer than a minute, they meant more to each other than anyone else ever could.

"At least they have now" Seth chuckled, not blinking an eye at Amy's contact.

After following Jimmy they soon found their table. And being the chivalrous gentleman that he had apparently just become tonight, he pulled out a chair for Tina and quickly took a seat next to her. Amy giggled at his subtlety.
The rest of the evening went without fault, apart from an awkward encounter with Will...Amy's ex-boyfriend. During which Seth made little eye contact and instead suddenly found the dessert menu very fascinating. Seth knew he felt jealous, after having feeling for Amy since the day he met her, he found it difficult to watch her interact with Boyfriends and Ex's.
Jimmy and Tina had encouraged him many a times to actually ask her out, but each time he had bailed. He didn't have the confidence, something he knew Amy had.
"Bye Will" Amy smiled, though only Tina could sense her dismissive tone.
"Amy I miss you"
This sentence caused a slight hesitation in her mind, something that Seth knew Will would pick up on if she didn't act fast.
Without thinking Seth intertwined his and Amy's fingers, again. Making it blatantly obvious to Will that Amy wasn't available. Luckily she noticed his motives quick and played along.
"Sorry Will, but I'm with Seth now" She smiled apologetically, but on the inside butterflies were circling constantly.
The idea of Seth getting jealous over her made her happy.
"Oh...ok sorry for um...bothering you" Will muttered as he quickly made an exit away from the table.
Once he was out of earshot Amy and Seth burst out laughing. Tina and Jimmy joined in as well.
"His face....priceless" Tina managed to get out.
Amy noticed that her and Seth's hand was still linked, but she didn't want to say anything.
Once the dessert arrived their hands disconnected simultaneously, nothing awkward about it. Tina and Jimmy hadn't ordered anything, and instead sat chatting; not once did either of their eyes leave each other's. Tina couldn't help but feel the bubble of joy that rose inside her when Jimmy placed his hand over hers. She had never felt this way about anyone before. It scared her a little. Jimmy on the other hand wasn't scared in the slightest, instead he was eager to ask her out again.

Once the evening drew to a close, the two unofficial couples walked to the curb to get a taxi home. No one suggested that they should go in two taxis instead of one, though they were all thinking of it. Alternatively they all went in a single taxi. They all told the driver their addresses, and soon they were on the road. Tina and Amy's apartment was first. Jimmy got out and gave Tina a lingering kiss on the cheek before whispering that they should do this again in her ear. Seth and Amy's goodbye was slightly different. It was as awkward as it had been between the two, and after a spoken goodbye the pair split to walk their separate ways. But before Amy entered her building she heard a voice behind her.
"Amy! Wait!"
She spun on her heel to see Seth a few feet away. She automatically smiled, which he reciprocated.
"Amy I...."
He trailed off, unsure of whether to finish the sentence that was set out in his head.
She knew what he was going to say, she always knew. Amy wasn't 100% certain whether she was ready to hear it, but she didn't think she ever would be.
"I...m moving to Chicago. I'm sorry I just had to tell you tonight. I know it's not the best way to end an evening, but there would never be a right time."
Amy just stood there in shock, having no clue what to say she didn't say anything. All her words got caught in her throat. Luckily for her, Tina was still stood outside listening to their entire conversation.
"It's late come on Ames" Tina spoke up, taking Amy's arm and leading her into the building. She gave a disappointing glance at Seth before they disappeared up the stairs.
As he sat back into the taxi, Jimmy placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
"She just needs to sleep on the idea, I'm sure she'll talk to you about it tomorrow." Jimmy said.
"No. She won't talk to me tomorrow. God I'm so stupid, tonight was perfect and I had to go and ruin it." Seth placed his head in his hands and sighed.
For the rest of the night all Seth could think about was Amy, and all Jimmy could think about was Tina. Though their situations were slightly different...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2016 ⏰

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