From fine to Fury

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My name is Steven Morre, I used to be an average person until now. Everything was perfectly normal that day, we were in the living room drinking our coffee. On tv, the news started talking about people going mad. I was concerned because I knew these people, and they seemed sane to me. My wife went into the kitchen to get tea, but instead came out with a butcher knife and a crazed look in her eye. She tried to stab me, but missed, I ran to the door, but it was locked. I was running around the living tripping over the furniture. My wife fell and I was able to get through the door.

While I was running down the street, completely random people started chasing me.

"I think I lost them," I tell myself.

I stopped to hide in a vacant house. It was quiet, and then I heard a noise; it sounded like crying. It was a little girl, no older than twelve. I asked her what her name was, but she said nothing, her eyes bloodshot and tears running down her face. She finally talked, her voice was raspy, but I could barely make out the words.

She croaked out, "My name is Hannah." I asked her why she was here and she said, "My mom went mad and killed my family."

Then I heard footsteps that weren't mine. I turn around to find a bulky teenager that looked like he could have been the blocking tackle for the football team; had he not been wielding a knife and coming after us. I grab Hannah and bolt out of the house. He tried to chase us but he was to slow because of his bulk. That night we set up camp in the forest and made sure that nothing could find us.

I wish it was all a dream, I wish I could go back home. Hannah wakes up and we get on the move.

"We need to get to shelter," I tell Hannah.

We find an old abandoned log cabin and set up our stuff.

Hannah asked me in her rugged voice, "What happened to all the people?"

"I don't know what happened to them," I told her.

Hannah asked, "Do you think we will survive?"

"Yes," I said trying to give her hope.

I honestly don't know what will happen to us.

In the distance you could hear the coyotes howling at the moon. All it did was make me wonder if the world was going to end. I could feel my eyelids get heavy and before I knew it I was asleep...

The morning came faster than I wanted it to. Hannah was still fast asleep.I hear squirrels and wondered if I could get one for breakfast. I made a sling out of some rope in the cabin. I get a rock in my sling and sling the rock. I hit the squirrel, I actually hit it.By the time I cooked the squirrel Hannah was awake. We ate breakfast and got on the road.

Hannah asked me,"where are we going?"

"The disease center,"I told her.
Hannah said, "what if it's to late when we get their?"

"I don't know, I don't know."

"Look, there's a semi truck," I said.

I look and the keys are in it. I tell Hannah to get in and we were off. All I saw was nothing but road and a long journey ahead...

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