Part 2 Free! Haru x reader

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It has been about five years since you and Haruka started going out, and he finally proposed. So how did it happen? Well that's what I, the amazing author chan is here to do!

You and your darling Haru were walking down the beach barefoot in only your swim suits, like always. You two seemed to be the perfect match, the apple to the others pie, the cherry to the others cobbler. Two halves of a heart. Before Haru you were whole, but now you are a whole and a half. Like you now have one heart and an extra half of a heart.
Haruka lightly bumped your waist as he walked and you did it back. After about twenty more seconds of this hip bumping, Haru finally tackled you into the water. It was cold, but refreshing. You absolutely loved the water. Especially the ocean. The way the tide goes in and out, how the waves grow so large and then crash onto you. Everything about the water is just so beautiful.
You open your eyes, even though you didn't know you were closing them to see Haru picking you up out of the water. He leaned in and kisses you passionately. His lips tasted out salt and water. You kissed back tenderly. It felt like forever when you broke apart. Haru was always a good kisser.
Then, from out of nowhere, Haruka pulled out a small blue box. He popped it open and it displayed a beautiful ring with a sea blue diamond and (birthstone) decorating the ring. It was beautiful.
"(Y/N) (L/N), will you swim with me forever?" He said, standing in front of you.
"Hell yes!" You yell and tackle him back into the water, after putting on the ring of course.
You both were married later that year and had a wonderful honeymoon right on that very beach.

Ok has author chan done well? Please leave feed back and tell me if I should do another.

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