Getting to know each other

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You were watching him in the distance as he was playing his role in the bands new music video, hurricane.

"Hey y/n would you please fix light #5 more towards the left." Your partner Davion asked

"Yah sure thing."

You walked towards light #5 and moved it in the right position, you looked up to take another glance at Jared. He looked up at you only to make you turn your head back the other direction making you blush. 'Shit' you though 'quit starring at him all the fucking time, its creepy.'

You went back to the spot you originally where and heard, "action!"

Everyone went back to playing their roles and again you were memorized by Jared's shirtless body the entire time. You didn't realize that you were looking at him in till he turned to look back at you. Your eyes widened and you walked away before you can seem anymore creeper then you were already acting.

"Alright everyone that's a wrap, great job today!" you faintly heard as you were making your way to the tent with the other stage equipment. You grabbed a water bottle from one of the tables and began to take little sips as the light breeze was hitting your body, it was probably five in the morning considering the music video was in a night scene. You began to feel your body get more and more tired from the lack of sleep you had. You heard faint footsteps that gradually got louder.

"hey." You heard. You turned around only to see that is was Jared

"Oh, hey. What's up?" you casually asked

"Nothing really, just walking around." You nodded your head as a response since you really didn't know what else to say.

"You tired?" he asked

"Yah, just a bit. How about yourself?"

"Kind of, a few hours of sleep would be nice right about now." He smiled

"Yah, I completely agree." You smiled back.

You were both having a nice conversation in till Davion joined in.

"Hey Jared great work man. Go back to your hotel and get yourself some sleep, still got more filming to do the next day. Oh and y/n we don't need an extra hand today, not much left to put away so you can go get some sleep as well, okay guys?"

Jared spoke up, "um actually I was wondering if you wanted to go get a coffee with me y/n?"

You hesitated because you were afraid that you would start acting weird but it was a great opportunity to get to know Jared more.

"Yah sure." You said with a smile

"Great let me just change real quick and I'll meet you back here, okay?"

"Of course."

He then jogged back to his hotel making his body disappear the father he went.

"You like him don't you?" Davion questioned

You were caught off guard from his question, "I-I wha-what are you talking about?"

"Oh come on, don't act stupid, you were pretty much having sex with him with your eyes the entire night."

You blushed, "I'm not having this conversation with you, and you're ridiculous." You walked away

"Don't hide the obvious y/n!" he shouted as you keep on walking. You raised your middle finger in the air

"Suck it!" you yelled and you could hear him laugh.

5 minutes passed and you were leaning against a brick wall waiting for Jared. You began to see his presents as he walked closer to you. He wore a white shirt with a black pattern on it with his black pants and black shoes.

"You ready?" he asked

"Yah, let's go."

He grabbed your hand and you both began to walk towards the coffee shop. During your walk you both made small talk.

"So how are you enjoying the video so far?" he asked

"Oh, I'm loving the way it's turning out, very creative concept." You replied

"That's good to hear. So uh, where you from?"

"(Name of country/ state you're from)" you said

"Oh really, that's cool."

You were both still holding hands and you knew your palms were all sweaty by this point, but he didn't seem to mind at all. Finally you arrived at the shop and entered with the sweat smell of pastries and coffee or course. There was only two people in the shop considering it was really early in the morning.

"What do you want, my treat." He said looking down at you

"You really don't have to pay for me."

"No really I want to treat you to something." He smiled

"Okay umm I will have a medium n/o/d" (aka name of drink)

"Sure thing mi lady." Jared took you up to the cashier and ordered your drinks. You both took a seat by the window waiting for your hot beverages as you continued your small talk.

"Are you enjoying it here in New York?" you asked

"Yah, NY is like a city I can call my own even though I'm not from here."

"Huh, that's cool."

"How about you?"

"Of course. New York is such an interesting city. So many places to explore, so many different faces walking around. You never know what exciting things could happen." You replied

Before the conversation could get any further you heard your name being called which lead to Jared getting up and coming back with two drinks.

"One for you and one for Me." he said

You smiled at his comment and both decided to continue to walk the streets of NY while drinking your coffees. Walking in silence for what felt like hours in till Jared grabbed your hand again, it made you blush.

"You know." He spoke up, "your very beautiful." He turned his face to look at you.

You where shocked and didn't know what to say since he said it out of nowhere.

"Oh, umm. T-thank you." You stuttered

"Sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"No really" you cut him off. "I'm flattered." You smiled at him

"Well, since you're so flattered why don't you come on a date with me after we finish this music video?"

"I would love that." You said

"Great! I can't wait then!"

You giggled at his excitement, "So when do you think this video will be finished?" you asked

"What, you can't wait any longer for me." he flirted

"Very funny wise guy, just curious. And I mean I could wait a long time for your sorry ass." You joked

He gasped," Well I never!" he said in a girly accent.

You laughed at how much of a goof ball he his, and he began to burst out in laughter as well.

"You're such a loser." You said

"Yah but I'm the greatest loser you'll ever meet."

Authors note*my first one shot. If you would like me to continue this I will. Also there might be some parts where the story goes into first person so sorry about that, but anyways I hoped you enjoyed this*


Jared Leto *one shot*Where stories live. Discover now