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The sound of heavy footfall on cobblestones rang throughout the city. Stopping behind a well, I paused to catch my breath.

"She went that way!" A voice, sounding male, rang throughout the city's square. I held my breath expectantly, they'd found me; and I wasn't in a position to run.

Instead, much to my surprise, the footsteps retreated and I was free. For now.

Leaving my hiding place, I found my feet carrying me near some very wealthy and extra beget looking houses- or should I say mansions. Clutching the bundle in my arms to my chest, I made my way through the lock less door of one of the houses.

It was dark.

That was the first thing I thought upon entering. After a few seconds of silence, I had my second thought.

I'm free. They didn't catch me; and they never will.

That thought cost me my freedom for the first, yet not last, time.

As my eyes gradually grew accustomed to the dim lighting, they landed on a fireplace. Not the smartest idea, I know, but it seemed like an inescapable option right now.

After coaxing a small, yet warm, fire to light the room, I tore off my jacket and threw it across one of the luxurious chairs. Now left in my black and purple knee length corset dress, black leggings and dark grey, knee high boots; I crouched in front of the flames.

Carefully, I sat the treasured package I'd carried all the way here on the ground. Just as I was about to open it, something behind me clinked. In shock, I stood up and backed away from the fireplace; sword immediately out of its sheath and raised.

The feeling of a circular shape being pressed against the small of my back made me panic. The sound of a pistol being loaded made me hyperventilate.

"Why are you in my house? Who are you, and what is in that package?@ a strangely familiar voice drawled from behind me. Slowly, I turned around so that the pistol was now pointed at my stomach. I gasped at the figure who was standing in front of me.

He was dressed in a soldier's uniform, but his powdered wig was missing. I knew who this was. From his house (and apparent wealth), clothing and lazy, obnoxious tone in his voice.

"Norrington," I spat venomously. In reply, Norrington smiled sickeningly.

"What's in that package?" Norrington asked, nudging the bundle that was held loosely in my grip. When I didn't respond, he snatched it out of my hands.

Inside he found a loaf of bread, a chunk of cheese, some lettuce and a leg of cooked chicken. I laughed at the confused expression that spread across his face.

"What, not what you were expecting? It's called food, and you need it to stay alive. Did you think it was some type of treasure?" I explained sarcastically.

"You're a thief. What's your name?" Norrington demanded.

"First off, I prefer the term pirate. Not thief. Secondly, my name is none of your business." I retorted rudely. In anger, Norrington dragged me closer to the flames of the fire, so he could see my face.

"You're the woman who was caught with Jack Sparrow!" He exclaimed in surprise.

"So what if I was," I snapped, my thoughts drifting to my treacherous capture a year ago.


"Run crystal, I'll draw them off!" Jack yelled as he stopped in front of the approaching soldiers, urging me on.

As the soldiers drew closer, jack's confidence clearly began to leak away.

"Change of plan. Crystal! Stop them!" He yelled again, and started following me. I sighed and turned around, sword raised. As the soldiers closed in, I noticed the absence of a certain rogue pirate.

"Jack you moron, come BACK!" I screamed as I spotted him running off, my well earned money in his hands.
"That bastard," I muttered to myself as I lost sight of him, and turned to face about fifty soldiers. Literally.

"They circled me, and I realised I was horrifically outnumbered. Damn it. One of the soldiers managed to whip my sword out of my hand.

'Great, outnumbers AND weaponless. How much more pathetic could I get?" I thought to myself.

As my arms were pinned behind my back, the soldier's commander came through to inspect me.

"Well, well, well! What do we have here? A pirate?" The commander asked, sneering. I sneered in return.

"What do we have here? A big headed pig?" I retorted rudely, mimicking his voice terribly. The commander brought his hand around, and it came into contact with my cheek harshly. Ow.

"I, am Norrington. And you, are a criminal. A pirate. Take her away," Norrington ordered.

As I was dragged to the prison, only one thing was on my mind.

Jack Sparrow.

That cowardly, big headed, unhygienic pirate had left me to save his own skin.

And I wasn't going to forget.

I was going to get my revenge.


"Well, I believe you are. Do you deny it?" Norrington asked, dragging me out of my thoughts. When I didn't reply, he grabbed the shoulder of my corset and pulled it down, revealing a 'p' shaped scar. I shivered at the memories that were awoken when he traced his finger along it.

"Pirate," he muttered triumphantly.

"What do you want Norrington?"

"I've always admired your beauty. Wished to feel your skin on mine," Norrington whispered, stroking my hair creepily.

"I repeat, what do you want?"

"A night," Norrington replied simply. I mentally gagged.

"I'm not a Whore," I said quietly, after a few seconds.

"Hmm, I guess you're right. But what were you to Jack?"

"That's none of your business," I replied shakily.

"It is... But if I get my night, it no longer will be," Norrington said, smirking.

"What are you offering?"I asked cautiously.

"Freedom. A clean record. I'll get you a well paid job, as the governor's daughter's maid perhaps? All I'm asking for is a night in exchange of your background being forgotten."

"Sounds more like bribery than freedom," I answered bitterly. Norrington shrugged,

"Oh well. I guess I'll go get the guards then. I'm sure they'll have a use for a pirate. I'll have a noose arranged..." He trailed off, awaiting my reaction. I sighed and stared up into his eyes. They were dangerous and dark with lust.

"Fine I'll do it. But you'd better keep your promise," I have in. Norrington grinned.

"I always keep my promises. Now, where to start?"

"Why not at the start," I answered shakily.

"What a brilliant idea," he replied huskily, trailing kisses down my neck. I shivered, this was going to be a long night. But it was going to be worth it.... Wasn't it?

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