me, a siren, and our snowy adventure

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a siren's voice
through wires,
soundwaves of static,
and electric...
drawing me in,
as it's a void black kindof smooth and eclectic...
who would've known
such a precious-ruby treasure
would be burried right here,
lingering through right now,
in a small local bar
of tired,
bearded men
of ten...
(drinking beer after beer,
eating peanut after peanut..)
-ing her eyes
to me a few times,
bends my soul in all sorts of directions that god didn't intend for the human body,
'eating me up inside':
a notion my carcass lends,,
will she tend to my broken bones and bruises...
at the end of this wild soul searching...
tells me to follow her here and there..
in the alaskan snow, and the winter rain..,
it doesn't seem too cold,))
through the houses
we think r abandoned,
and alone.
as soon as we thought we found the perfect one,
by a mafia boss...
on the spot!!
we take their surplus liquor,
who.can hold their breath the longest?
i go 6 feet under with her,
i'm surprised what the white blankets cover;
baby octopodes, and fishlings
why r they here???
in a ice cold pool a dead man hides near...
i take a wad of wet monies from his wallet,
his widow, angry demands i give it back,
hands me a fake $20,
how will this buy me my snacks?

dreams.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن