Chapter 43

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The next time that Aleks woke, there were lights everywhere, shining right into his eyes.

Instantly, he started to struggle, stricken with panic. He couldn't even function. In the midst of it all, he tried to speak but it came out in a warble of words.

Someone stood over him but they blurred in his vision as they placed an oxygen mask over his face. The world went sideways and Aleks fainted.


"I can't get ahold of either of them," Jordan sobbed into phone. He was still wearing his suit but the night was utterly ruined.

Reaching up to his hair, he gripped at his locks sharply. "You don't understand, there was blood everywhere. Something bad happened, I can feel it."

He sniffed and listened to the phone, looking up at the road. Jordan was sitting in his car, watching the ambulance pull away from James' house in a rush of lights. "I'll call you back," he said miserably. "They're taking Lily to the Hospital."


Eddie hung up his phone, his face stricken with shock. He turned the phone a few times in his hand before looking up at Seamus.

They were both wearing their best clothes for the dance, but now it almost felt like funeral suits. Eddie shook his head slowly to banish the thought.

"What is it?" Seamus asked.

Eddie couldn't even say a word. His throat was thick and he swallowed hard, trying to clear it. "There was a shooting..."

He paused to look Seamus straight in the eyes before continuing, "At James' house. Jordan can't get ahold of James and Aleks won't pick up either. We have to call them."

Seamus already had his phone out, dialing, so Eddie did the same.

The phone just rang and rang and rang.


Finally, Aleks woke again in the dead of the night and he woke with a jolt. His heart monitor immediately accelerated, filling the room with the harsh noise as he slowly filled with panic. Aleks' breathing started to come out ragged.

The nurse pushed into the room on light feet, coming over to check on him immediately. "Aleksandr, you're okay. You hear me?" she said softly as she stood directly in his line of vision. "Can you calm down for me?"

Aleks frowned at her, almost confused, when he remembered why he was in this hospital. His heart rate sped a little faster.

"I know it may hurt," the nurse said, reaching out to stroke his hand soothingly, "but you're okay. Do you need something to help the pain?"

"J-james," Aleks croaked out. It sounded as if he hadn't used his voice in days. "Where's my brother?"

The nurse's smile immediately faded into a look of pity. "Your brother is currently undergoing surgery. He received a lot of trauma to the head, so his brain is swelling. They're working to reduce it."

"Is he going to be okay?" He asked desperately. His heart rate had begun to slow but the fear was still clawing at him.

"I'll update you when he gets out of surgery."

Aleks paled. That wasn't an answer at all. Leaning forward, Alsks groaned as he attempted to move his bed covers. Pain shot up into his wounded arm.

The nurse immediately pushed him back with a stern look. "You can't get out of bet yet. You need rest."

"I need to see James," he said, trying to push against her arm. She held him place.

"I promise that I'll let you know first if anything that happens. As soon as he's out of surgery, you'll be the first to know, okay?" She looked at him with a soft smile and he sighed.

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