important pt 2

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hello again! so guys, I've been thinking this fic over and over on the bus back home earlier today, and I thought to myself; is larcel still even a thing? like think about it, the last actual larcel fic posted on wattpad was probably in mid 2014 and it's already 2016 oh my lordddd.
so like, I was thinking, why not make a new fic instead? like, it'll still be the same plot (minor changes) but instead of Marcel it'll be nerdy!harry omg, but I was also thinking of making it like a texting fic? or a social media type of fic!!! Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, kik, etc! so just tell me what you guys think! I'll be writing a new fic once this a/n gets at least 10 comments !!
thanks my lovely smol beans!
all the love, j. x

That Nerd in School- Larry Stylinson (Punk Louis and Marcel)Where stories live. Discover now