chapter 10 *

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*small make out session more towards the end!*


jason's pov

I did it. I finally did it. I asked Leo out, and he said yes. He likes me. I feel all bubbly inside.

"Jason, " Percy asks as he pokes my cheek with his pencil. "the bell rang, you okay bro?"

I turn my head to look at the clock. Yep, it's 3:25 so time to go home.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say as I put my binder in my backpack.

I yawn as I walk out of the classroom. I may have taken a small nap. Just a small one though. I wait for Percy to grab his earbuds from his locker since he forgot them there yesterday. He's very forgetful.

"Shut up, Death Breath!" I hear a certain boy yell at Nico with a blushing face.

I smile as I stare at Leo from afar being all embarrassed and blush. Nico probably made some snarky comment. I'm glad to call Leo mine now. He looks adorable when blushing.

"Hurry up Perce," I groan, "I'm getting hungry," I whine.

"Shut up you big baby," He grumbles. "I still can't find them."

"Maybe if you were organized, you wouldn't of forgotten them in the first place," I sass.

"Bitch," He turns around as he puts his sunglasses on. "the fuck did you just say? You don't want to get Persassy started, do you?"

I roll my eyes. "screw Perssasy! I'm hungry and I wouldn't mind turing into a cannibal and eating 'Perssassy's' arm off," I glare.

"Hmph." He finally finds his earbuds and we leave. Going our separate ways. Percy was originally coming over, but Sally declined. Which is fine since I love Percy's mom.


Leo. Leo. Leo. Leo.

He's been on my mind all day. And I'm completely fine with that. It's just the fact that I picture him shirtless, and completely naked at times like during chemistry class. But like I said: I'm completely fine with that.

What is wrong with me?

Me being a weird perv for Leo aside, Thalia said she was going to give me something. I so badly want it to be Chick-Fil-A. I'm a very hungry boy.

I unlock the front door, dropping my backpack in the living room, heading to the kitchen as I stretch.

I feel someone punch me lightly.

"Who wants a present!" Thalia squeals, which is pretty rare. Psh, as if. She is a full-time fangirl.

"Me, obviously," I look at her, "silly fangirl."

"Follow me!" Thalia leads me to the closet.

"What?" I ask confused, staring at the closed closet door.

"Open it, then go inside," She smiles ear-to-ear.

I shrug, not even questioning Thalia at this point. I enter the closest and I hear mumbles. Not noticing Thalia closing it behind me.

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